Contest Rules and Guidelines
· You must be a registered member of or one of our affiliates( and Click here to register for a free membership
· Entries must be postmarked by December 31, 2010; no flies will be eligible if postmarked after this date
· Participant may enter as many categories as you desire. Only one submission for each category.
· All submissions become property of and can be used for any means that is deemed necessary.
· Each participant must print and fill out the following application and submit it with the entries. If your fly should be photographed upside down or "hook point up", please provide that information in the space provided in this form. We cannot be responsible for flies misrepresented if this information is not disclosed. Click here to download the form.
· Each submission must be accompanied with uploading the list of materials used in tying the fly along with your personal information. This information will be used to showcase the patterns in various ways on the site. Click here to upload pattern information.
Please mail submissions to:
Will Mullis
attn: contest
16 Huntington Ave
Amelia, OH 45102
· Once the submission deadline has expired each fly will be photographed and uploaded to the appropriate category.
· Registered members of may vote once per category. Participants in each category may vote for any entry other than their individual submission. Names of contestants will not be revealed until voting is closed. Voting members' names shall not be revealed at any time.
· Winners shall be determined by the following. Category winners shall be chosen by the entry receiving the most votes in each category. In the event of a tie, the forum founder SmallieHunter will vote to break the tie. The "Best Overall Fly" will be determined by another round of voting. In the 2nd round of voting only the category winners be eligible and the fly with the most votes will be declared the winner.
Category Winners
Custom Die Cast Medals I am very excited to announce that we will once again be awarding medals to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each category in the 2010 FTOTY contest. I have done this for the past several years and I think it is a great prize and I am happy about being in a position to do this again this year. These medals represent a major investment and I did this simply to boost the excitement around the contest and hopefully get more participants. As everyone has seen, the contest is far more enjoyable when each category is filled with a variety of different patterns. I hope to make 2010 the best FTOTY ever and hope you will help me spread the word. Tell every fly tier you know, together lets make this a special event.
J.Stockard Gift Certificates J.Stockard has once again rallied around the FTOTY Contest and has decided to donate some gift certificates to the winners and all of the participants!
This is a great thing because every person who enters a fly into the contest will get a $10 J.Stockard Gift Certificate and those thist win a category will get even more!!!
The category winners are only eligible to win one gift certificate(you will not get more than one for each category win).
Here is the breakdown of prizes!
1) $100 gift certificate to overall winner and rookie 2) $25 to all other winners 3) $10 gift certificate to everyone who enters
Thanks again to everyone at J.Stockard for all that they do!!!
If you haven't visited J.Stockard yet(shame on you) you can visit them here: or click any of their banners at the top of page.
| Categories
Streamer over 4" long
Streamer under 4" long
Deer Hair Topwater(Bass Bugs)
Topwater Deer Hair bass bugs(poppers,sliders,divers,etc) click here for an example
All poppers,sliders,divers,etc that incorporate any material excluding deer hair(foam,cork,balsa,etc)
Winged Wet
Classic style wet flies. Can be a classic or contemporary pattern. click here for an example
Featherwing Streamers
Classic style streamers. Can be a classic or contemporary pattern. click here for an example
Classic Full Dressed Salmon
Freestyle Full Dressed Salmon
Steelhead/Salmon Hairwing
Fishable Realistic
Realistic patterns that are designed and tied to be fished, not diplayed
Super Realistic
Realistic patterns that are designed to be displayed and not fished
Itsy Bitsy
This category is open to any style or pattern that is tied on a size 22 hook or smaller. Hook size will be displayed during voting.
Most Creative
Participants may submit one fly for "Most Creative Fly". Submissions are only limited by your own imagination and creativity. Flies do not have to be designed to be fished with and can be made using ANY type of material. The only rule is the fly must be tied on a hook; any style or size.
Rookie of the Year
Any participant who has been tying for less than one year may submit their fly for "Rookie of the Year" consideration, in addition to any other category their fly is already entered into.