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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by panfishweird

  1. Ok I have tied a few flys with Materials I found around my house and it didnt work out too well... I just started a little while ago. have everything I need to make them except the right Materials. There are no fly shops around me, and the best i could get at the stores around me will maybe be some foam strips and some feathers ( not very good ones ) But maybe I'm overlooking some place, does anyone here know of a common store that has some Materials I could use? I really don't want to have to order them online but I will if I have to. I have some Fly tying books too and know I can tie the flies, just can't find the stuff I need. Thanks.
  2. So if i did a whip finish or even two whats the chance of it coming undone?
  3. Ok so I finally found a pattern that works for me. But I want to know if I do a whip finish with 5 turns does it always need something to seal it down such as super glue or something? I hate having to do it every time and I'm afraid if i don't the string will come undone and my fly will be ruined... Oh and its funny how some tie flies because they think it will save them money. =)
  4. Don't cut the cats fur off... Get a brush and brush out the sheddings and use them, cats and dogs always have it.
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