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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by rscconrad

  1. I usually cut the tubing longer than than I need and use a pair of tweezers to double it over by grabbing one end and pushing it through. I then cut it to size and slide it on.
  2. Intruders after I snapped off the square hooks
  3. Yep, from artistic brushes though. No barns in the suburbs.
  4. Hobs feathers in Iowa sold to zuckers. Same zuckers as the packaged feathers in craft stores. Go here to their retail commerce site called featherplace http://www.featherplace.com/feather-types/peacock/flue-herl.html Very nice strung peacock. Any length you want. Yes you can choose the length up to 14 to 16 inch individual hearls (not eyes). Pricey because it comes by the yard. Yes by the yard but very high quality I’m still using my yard from hobs I bought in the 90’s
  5. UV resin can be very very cheap. I use loctite. Some guy on eBay sells it past its expiration date. Crazy large quantities and crazy cheap. How does 30 bucks a liter sound? I have two that work good. One is loctite 3106. The other is loctite 3992. That one is cool because it cures with uv and once cured it is uv reflecting
  6. I like the Erich, you for sure have to get use to releasing the tension before cutting the thread. I keep lots of thread loaded in bobbins so what I use most is the rites due to cost. I think they are a good deal for the money
  7. Check this guys blog out. He has a video showing how to use the tool as it comes from the store. https://norbertrenaud.blogspot.com I picked one up today and it woks great. I am using florist wire by the way. Thanks for the post. Robert
  8. Love the logo. The site looks like it will be a great resource
  9. Wholesaleflycompany x2. Great prices. Great service
  10. I love a line of sissors call squizzers. You dont have to hold them on you fingers, just squeeze them. Here is a link http://www.squizzers.com/fishing.html usual disclaimers, I use them not sell them
  11. Excellent review. Thanks for taking time. I wish we had more reviews like this on books old and new. At least outside Chicago it is way to hard to get your hands on a book before you buy it. All our local flyshops have closed down due to people like me who found it too easy to order on the internet rather than supporting the fly shops around town. What have I and others like me done. Robert
  12. Love mine, still considering getting thier latest and greatest rotary. Mine has 10 years use
  13. I have a regal I love and bought a regal knock off for my guest vise. I would recomend either. The knock off is as just about as good as the original for a lot less money. I like the regal conection to the base better than the knock off but I don't know if htat feature is worth a hundred bucks. The business end of hte vise is very comparable. If money is tight go for the knock off. Just my two cents Robert
  14. Wow, Sounds like it could be an interesting vise. I guess I will have to wait a while and try one. Four bills puts it int eh catagory of for that money you can get any vise you want. Thanks for the post though. Robert
  15. The desk is one of those computer hutches you buy in a box and put together. I needed somehting that held a lots of stuff and could close up when I wan't tying. It is made from Sabel and I bouth it at Pennys one weekend proably 10 years ago when it was on sale. The boxes to the left and right the boxes to the left and right of the tv yo can pick up anywhere. I got them at walmart. The tread holder I bought at JoAnn's fabrica and cut them in half. It actually took two of them to get all the racks. THey are then screwed into the walls. The rest of the containers mostly came from the container store. I like the setup, it closes into itself, holds a lot of materials, and still has a lot of room to work. I had a lot of fun finding just the right this and that for the cabinet. I think I have room for one more vise on the desktop. Robert
  16. I have to admit I love my Regal vise. I saw in this months fly tyer where they have a roatary vise with a spinning gizmo. Has anyone seen it or tried it yet? To me the only weakness my regal vise has is not to be able to spin rapidly. It seems like they have solved thjt problem and I may be a couple hundred bucks poorer. From the picture it seems like they had to add weight to both sides of the vise, I assume it is to make it spin better. It is already a hefty head and this gizmo looks like it may or may not work. In reality it does not matter (because I will proably get one anyway) but has anyone tied with this new vise yet? Thanks in advance., Robert
  17. where can you find the flytyer's 12 I can up blank googling it
  18. Hey All, Yesterday I recieved the new book Benchside Introduction to Fly tying by te same guys that did the benchside reference. I don't really need another step by step book but I was very intrigued by the split book format. The pages are cut in half so htere is a top half (the patterns to tie) and a bottom half (specific skill instructions). Each recipie refers to multiple "bottom" pages that have the skill instructions for the step by step recipies on the top half of the book. Anyway, I think this is a good book and I love the format. I wouldn't be suprised to see a bunch of new tying books come out in this format. I got it from feather craft Just my two cents. Robert
  19. In the summer I catch them at dusk under a bridge on a rive. The street lights attrack little white flies. The carp suck away at them. I use litte white nymph hooks size 20. Of course with such a small hook and leader many break off, I would say I catch 1 in 10. Lots of fun however.
  20. Definatley a must have addition to your tying desk Love Mine Robert
  21. My bad, Sorry I just looked at all the pics from last year. Great job. I still think the majority of you guys are way more talanted than I am however. Good thing hte fish don't seem to mind all that much. Merry Christmas. Robert
  22. The FTD gift pcak is such an unbleievable bargin it almost feels like stealing. I ordered one for my friends 50th borthday. When he showed me all the goods, I had to order on for myself. I do not buy tinsel/flash from anywhere else. Some orders are very fast, some take a little while but all orders I have placed came in without a hitch. Robert
  23. How about some pics of the finshed display boxes posted here on the site somewhere. I would like to get a feel for hte average quality. I know there are many more talented tyers than myself. I have wondered if I send i some flys for the heck of it if I would even make middle the middle of hte road. Besides I would just like to see them all. Just a sugetion. Robert
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