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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by flytosser

  1. I've got the renzetti bobbins, have had them for years no issue other than cost.
  2. Look into the Feelfree Lure 11.5 kayak. Super stable but not very fast. I flyfish standing and sitting. The seat is the best I have seen/sat in so far. There is good storage and the standing area is really big, not much for your fly line to catch on. Test drive before you buy. Better yet rent one for the day and fish out if it to make sure. Good luck.
  3. Very nice! Thanks for sharing.
  4. I got one similar to yours a couple months ago. It is awesome. Open, tie a fly. Get done close doors walk away. Holds a lot. If I ever figure out how to post pictures I will.
  5. Heading to Carolina Beach next month and was wondering if anyone wanted to share some info. I'm not picky just want to catch fish. Taking 9wt, 7wt, 5wt. Sinking and floating lines. Clouser minnows, decievers are mainly what I have as far a salt. Fished there two years ago but didn't do any good on the fly rod. Either the wind was just too much or no takes. Would love to get some fish on a fly. Thanks, Go catch a fish, Gary
  6. Chris helms. Met him 10 years ago watched him tie some great flies. Super nice guy.
  7. Thank you for finding it and posting. Gary
  8. I've been searching the web with no luck of finding where to order. If you have any info I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you, go catch a fish, Gary
  9. Very nice. Ditto on the drawers. I want some Go catch a fish, Gary
  10. Nice looking flys. I think I'll go tie some up now. Go catch a fish, Gary
  11. Very nice. Love the 7 drawer chest. I need a couple of them. Go catch a fish, Gary
  12. Awesome! Where did you get your desk? That is what I was thinking of doing in my den. Very nice. Gary
  13. And, I would like the info on the white cabinets please. Gary
  14. I'm jealous. I've been look for a library card catalog for a long time. Nice set up. Gary
  15. Can't go wrong with FTD. He's a great guy. Has great products. Go catch a fish, Gary
  16. They were made for chenille in mind but work well with other things. Oasis has them and are .25 for the small ones and .35 for the large ones. They are the best thing to use to keep chenille organized....I've got just over a hundered. Good luck. Gary
  17. Thanks for sharing, printed and in the flytying desk. Go catch a fish, Gary
  18. I try the new patterns in the aquarium too!! Works great, better than getting to the water and wasting time testing them there after you've tied up a bunch. Go catch a fish, Gary
  19. You and some others on this board can really spin the hair. I need to practice. Awesome flys. Gary
  20. Nice flys. I need to get to the vise and tie some. Nice job, Gary
  21. Good idea, I'm going to have to tie some bigger ones up for stripers and bass. Thanks for sharing, Gary
  22. Great fly!! Thank you for taking the time to post it and all the pictures. I'll have to tie some up. Thanks, Gary
  23. Size 8 , black conehead olive wooly bugger, with a silver dubbed body. Out fishes most every fly. Gary
  24. TnTom, I also fish for the zebras. I mainly chase them in the Cumberland river and J. Percy Priest lake on the fly. Best pattern for me this year is a 2/0 White and pink deciever. Last year I caught a lot on clousers and half and halfs. This year, for me, the deciever is the ticket. A seaducer works well too. Good luck, maybe I'll see you out there someday. Go catch a fish, Gary
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