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Fly Tying


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About dnance21

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    Bait Fisherman

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  1. After doing some more research online, I have come to the conclusion that he must have created his own mold and used the Rub-R-Mold to create his own mold for life-like legs and claws. The photo in the book shows an incredible sample of a fly that is very lifelike. Looks like the real thing. I will keep checking this to see if anyone has any other ideas, but I am pretty sure it is from his own mold. -Daniel
  2. I am looking to see if anyone makes a blue crab molded body as mentioned in Dick Browns newest book "Bonefish Fly Patterns." There is a pattern referenced 'Juvenile Blue Crab' by Carl Richards. For the body it simply says "Cement RUB-R-MOLD leg and claw assembly flexible mold from craft shop." I assume he made his own mold and produces his own bodies. Does anyone know of a source where these types of bodies are sold? I did find Spirit River's "Bug-partz" but there was not a crab body as seen in the book. Any input would help. Thanks, Daniel
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