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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by bear-kodiak

  1. Hello Nick Santa flies arrived today and are under the tree. Thanks again for hosting…Jim aka bearkodiak
  2. Hello All Was just rereading Dressing Flies for fresh and salt water by Poul Jorgensen. In chapter 7 he mentions all fur nymphs dressed by Wayne Leonard of Harrisburg Pa. I was wandering if anyone knows of any other articles or books where he shows how to make these nymph patterns ? I believe I had seen a demonstration of him tying at a T U meeting years ago... thank you and happy holidays...Jim
  3. Santa came in today’s mail. Thank you Saint Nick 🎅
  4. Looking for some Bing Limpke flies with a signed card ? [email protected]
  5. Hello List, Looking for Flies tied by Charles Brooks or Bing Limpke for my small collection . [email protected]
  6. Looking for a Charles Brooks fly with signature card...Jim [email protected]
  7. Hello List ; Where might I purchase a Cree hen cape. Cant locate any with the usual searches.....thank you, Jim
  8. Hello: Can anyone direct me to a maker of a mold to make lead dumbbell eyes. My search so far has turned up nothing....thank you...Jim
  9. Wanted : Fly tied by Charles Brooks with signature... [email protected]
  10. That's good advice, Shoe, IF you have the materials to "get familiar with" in the first place.For a tier that DOESN'T have the material ... what would be good substitutes for fox fur? That's me, I don't have any substitutes ....
  11. Thank you so much, they never showed on my searches....j
  12. Hello List: Looking to make some March Brown floating nymphs. The recipe I'm looking at calls for some brown fox in the dub mixture. Can anyone direct me to a source of brown fox, as I only need a small amount. Thank you in advance.....Jim
  13. Hey guys: you are great !!! Thank you for all your replys , thanks so much....Jim
  14. Well to me the video is different from a paraloop or hackle stacker. The Chauncy Lively & Roy Christy style pattern, as shown by Cammista, results in a fly that looks like the OP's image, much more than a straight paraloop. The method of tying down the loop, winding the hackle inside the loop,then pulling the loop tight, results in a thin, flat disk of hackle, much like a parachute. Here's one in our fly DB by flyslinger that shows the style. I'm not sure if flyslinger is active, but maybe he or TCTrout can clear this up. Hackle stacker/paraloop results in a "bush" of hackle, sort of a hemi-sphere, not a disk. One of ScottP's lovely paraloops as shown in his SBS. Well to me the video is different from a paraloop or hackle stacker. The Chauncy Lively & Roy Christy style pattern, as shown by Cammista, results in a fly that looks like the OP's image, much more than a straight paraloop. The method of tying down the loop, winding the hackle inside the loop,then pulling the loop tight, results in a thin, flat disk of hackle, much like a parachute. Here's one in our fly DB by flyslinger that shows the style. I'm not sure if flyslinger is active, but maybe he or TCTrout can clear this up. Hackle stacker/paraloop results in a "bush" of hackle, sort of a hemi-sphere, not a disk. One of ScottP's lovely paraloops as shown in his SBS. Hello Bruce : I can not open your link , would really like to see it as the fly I posted is one of Chauncy Livel's......jim '
  15. What if it were a duck quill wing, and there were no stem ?....j
  16. Hi all : Need the collective opinion from you all. How and with what would you post this fly in order to apply hackle ? Thank you and happy holidays....Jim
  17. Hello: Does anyone have an instruction sheet that comes with these McKenzie lights. I would like to get an extra bulb and also see how to remove the old one when necessary. Thank you and Happy Holidays....jim
  18. Hello List: Was looking for contact info for a Todd Collins out of Butte MT. He makes tools for making woven hackle trout flies in the Grant fashion. Thank you for any and all help.....jim
  19. Hello List: Does anyone use medallion sheeting in tying. Would like to know if it is worth the $$, or is there a better substitute ?....thanks....jim
  20. Hello List: I just got a new book, and one of the patterns call for a wing of Kodiak or Grizzly bear under fur. Does anyone know where I might purchase this material ? Thank you in advance for any help....jim
  21. Thanks Mark: Tried there but they don't have any currently.....jim
  22. Hello: Anyone have any idea where I might get a natural black squirrel hide with tail. I see lots of dyed but no naturals.....thanks for any help....jim
  23. Hello Listers: Anyone know where I might purchase a Bronze Blue Dun cape or saddle....thanks in advance....jim
  24. Hello List: I,m looking for a copy of Bill Skiltons book My Patterns, Materials and Techniques. I understand it is no longer in print, can anyone locate a copy I can purchase.....jim [email protected]
  25. Hello List: Can anyone give a tutorial, or explane the sequence for tying a Humphreys green drake nymph. I am mainly interested in how to get the tapered body with the emu gills, all in one uniform look. Thank you in advance for any and all advise.....jim
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