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Fly Tying

Beginner Tyier

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Everything posted by Beginner Tyier

  1. Does anybody know where I could find a pattern for an eastern tent caterpiller?
  2. I'm a beginner also and was also a little overwhelmed by all the materials and patterns out there. I found this site very useful. -Jack- http://hipwader.com/flyfishing/oreillys-fl...g-fly-patterns/
  3. I know theres a tool out there to help tie on those smaller flies such as #24 and #22 hooks (eyesight ain't what it use to be). Can anyone tell me the name of it? Thanks -Jack-
  4. For all the begining fly tiers such as myself I found this great site http://hipwader.com/. The pics are awesome along with the instructions. I had bought (shame on me) some ant wet flies and had a ton of fun with them yesterday with the browns until I lost my last one (still don't have that casting technique down yet). Plan on tying a bunch and stocking up my fly box. Also had good luck with a very simple black fly that my great uncle showed me years ago. Another simple yet productive pattern. If anyone is interested I would be happy to share it, just not sure how on this site. -Jack-
  5. Thanks to all for the suggestions and help. I'll definately look into all the sites sent to me. Trying to find a substitute was driving me crazy. Thanks to all again. -Jack-
  6. Some patterns call for seal fur. I'm having trouble finding it. Where is a good place to get some or what is a suitable replacement. Thanks
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