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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by fcflyguy

  1. I forgot to tag mine olive bugger it was a mad rush to get to the Po squirt send me your addy I mail u some buggers
  2. Flys went out today thanks everyone
  3. Man that sucks Flys will b sorted and b sent out sat squirt send me your addy I get some Flys to u
  4. Man that sucks Flys will b sorted and b sent out sat squirt send me your addy I get some Flys to u
  5. Page updated waiting on squirt Do u have a update squirt for us
  6. I resent addy if u don't get it ask again FC
  7. Still waiting on last couple sets
  8. OK looks like we r just waiting on two sets when I get them I get sorted and mailed out
  9. Nate your flys r here now Addy sent first page updated
  10. Nate I will double check its mean along week got bryon flys today
  11. How's everyone doing? First page is updated again Fc
  12. Travis I got a set yesterday I bet they were yours fc
  13. Bryon that would be great got two nice sets in so far Addy sent to all who ask Thanks Fc
  14. Tim Addy sent. Vicrider you inbox must b full it send message can't b sent to you
  15. OK we r full now get them typed up tagged with your name and send with a self addressed package so I can mail back I give my Addy when u guys r ready thanks all for joining enjoy FC
  16. 3 more spots left Thanks Fc
  17. 1. fcflyguy ----------- done 2. Psychoprince_---------------received 3. netabrokie_--------------- received 4. Squirt 5. Fishingbobnelson_---------received 6. Notenuftoys----------- received 7. Tim980_---------------- received 8. Vicrider_----------------received 9. Travis bille_------------received 10.Imx___-----------------received 11.natedubay_-----------------received 12.bryon Anderson_-------------received
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