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Fly Tying

green hackle

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Everything posted by green hackle

  1. Just out of curiosity, what is the average wait for an order. I ordered on the 16th and am still waiting for my first order. Thanks.
  2. flytire, Thanks for the link! I emailed them for some info. I see they have the 1/4' diameter cork balls. That size is perfect. Some of the cylinder and cigars shapes were also what I was looking for. Thanks so much for your help! AF
  3. Hi! Thanks for the fast replies and tips. I will check out those links and stores. AF
  4. Hi! I'm new here. I tie a lot of poppers and bugs for bluegills and bass. Some years ago, I purchased some cork balls (sized 1/4", 9/32", 5/16") from a company named "Corkers". It was run by a gentleman named William S. McIntyre from Pittsburgh, PA. I would like to purchase some more cork balls, as they made deadly poppers. The problem is, I believe "Corkers" no longer exists. Does anyone out there know where you can purchase cork balls and cylinders? Any info would be helpful and greatly appreciated! Thanks and tight lines AF
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