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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by megsdad

  1. Did you post a YouTube video about the haywire twist? Do you use the haywire on the tippet rings, I assume?
  2. Thanks all. One more prep item checked off!
  3. I visited a lodge in Zambia (Baines River Camp) on the Zambezi River a couple of years ago as they offered fly fishing for Tiger fish. I tied some patterns, but to be truly ready, I bought a fly pack from a shop in South Africa. They offered to "wire" my flies. Basically, they put about 8 to 10 inches of piano wire through the hook eye with a swivel on the other end. It was much better than using a wired leader, I thought. Anyway, fast forward, I'm going to Canada this summer and have been tying pike/muskie flies. I'd like to "wire" these flies like the ones from Africa. But, I cannot find piano wire like the SA shop described. Has anyone done this? What kind of wire have you used? Where have you gotten appropriate wire for a resonable price? Thanks in advance...
  4. Thanks! I had found that video, but it's pretty slim as far as a recipe goes. More of an advertisement. It does help see more than a simple photo, though.
  5. Title says it all. I can't find this pattern via Google. Anyone know how to tie them? Thanks, Mark
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