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Fly Tying

NJ All Day

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Posts posted by NJ All Day

  1. i actually think your should buy a cheap vise first in the $10 range just to make sure that you like fly tying before spending a couple hundred on a vise.

    I agree with bluegill here. My first vise was from a 30 dollar kit, it was a crappy vise. There were points where I didn't think i would continue with the sport. But once i found out that i liked it then i bought a nice quality vise.

  2. I like it a lot. I never really got into using epoxy due to not having proper epoxy, and not having a rotation tool. That lead to bad experiences.


    Goo can get expensive, but it goes a long way, there is some great stuff i've seen people do with it. It's fun to play with.

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