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Fly Tying

NJ All Day

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Everything posted by NJ All Day

  1. the crawfish would be am awesome pattern.
  2. Need one more for my 'foam swap' The swap is full.
  3. if you could tie it in a 10 that would be fantastic. size 10 it is, I'll get started on them tonight. sounds great!
  4. veniards or just regular craft foam would be perfect for beetles.
  5. okay everyone there has been some changes. Since this swap got so many more people over night while I was sleeping I'm gonna now cap te sawp off at 15 swappers and that's final. so everyone is gonna tie 14 flies unless you want to get one back.
  6. We have someone doing a beetle so if you can stay with the ant, that will be great.
  7. if you could tie it in a 10 that would be fantastic.
  8. Flytyer14 if you could pick another pattern that would be great.
  9. again there are some great patterns on this site one member bigdaddyhub ties this fly http://www.flytyingforum.com/pattern10266.html... which I tried a couple days ago and it was killer. But foam spiders, a great pattern called the steroid ant is awesome, some parachute ants, chernobyl ants, some woolly buggers, also crystal buggers, some crayfish patterns, some clousers of course, a pattern called meta-crappie you can find on YouTube. and sometimes trout flies also work. Oh yeah and poppers.
  10. Hello there welcome to this wonderful site, when you get time just look at the database there are some amazing flies on this site. My top flies are... 1.Pheasant tail nymph 2. hare's ear nymph 3. woolly buggers in various sizes and colors 4. elk hair caddis 5. stonefly nymphs and dries 6. stimulators 7. Adams dry. But if your fishing lakes then that's a completley differen game. I don't know to much still water, but there are some guys on here that do. I would suggest various chrominoids. And just google the hatch chart for Lake Taneycomo
  11. you can tie it flytyer I don't mind. always looke interesting to me. But if the other swappers speak their voice then majority rules
  12. Alright floyd you in, great to have you. cant wait to see that pattern.
  13. Okay everyone is in. Great to have everyone
  14. Okay Everyone i started the official thread just post it with "im in" and your pattern or TBD and i'll add you to the list.
  15. Swap Is Full!!!! Okay so this is gonna be my first time hosting a swap so lets make it a fun one. You can tie any pattern that has any foam parts. That can range from a foam caddis, or foam stimulator, maybe a beetle, or a cricket, or a grasshopper, there are tons out there. As long as there is foam in it then its fine. The first 15 tiers with "I'm in", are in along with the pattern or TBD. I've done about 5 swaps now so i'm ready to host one. The due date is July 3rd. For all the mods i sent my information to Steeldrifter. Same rules apply. -Tie 15 flies unless you want one back. -Don't forget your SASE ( Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) -Make sure you put toe tags -The flies should be in my hands no later than July 3rd Im gonna be tying BigDaddyHub's Foam Stone. 1. Riffleriversteelheadslayer- Grasshopper-Arrived~ :headbang: 2. Gpd4-Inch Worm- Arrived~ :headbang: 3. Dantfitz- Foam Gurgler- Arrived 4. Flytyer14- Foam Ant-Arrived~ :headbang: 5. Sage8wt- TBD-Arrived 6. Floyd- Improved E-Z beetle-Arrived~ :headbang: 7. Smokinprice- Predator-Arrived~ :headbang: 8. Wes917- Chernobyl Ant- Arrived~ :headbang: 9. Robert M- Crease Fly-Arrived~ :headbang: 10.eastern fly- Sexy Stinger-Arrived~ :headbang: 11.Foambug - Hot Lips Frog-Arrived 12. Alto- B/C Hopper- Arrived 13. DevinKaradeema- water beetle-Arrived~ :headbang: 14. Herman- Foam Hopper- Arrived 15. Avril- Triple Decker Club Sandwich- Arrived
  16. okay its official gonna start up the swap...
  17. So you don't want Canadians??? Jeremy how would I work that out? if you can explain it to me then you can join.
  18. Hello, I was thinking about hosting my first swap and was thinking about making it a swap that any pattern that has to do with foam. It could be from a foam caddis, to hopper, to beetle's, or any other type of pattern that has foam in the recipie. and I was just wondering If anyone was interested in joining. I would cap it off at 12 tiers. if I get enough people I will start the official thread. also since this is my first swap. Please no international swappers, just want the first one to be simple.
  19. the other night I tied a few up. Then went fishing yesterday I couldn't keep the gills and bass of this pattern. I caught so many fish that the fly fell apart. And it's great that the hook rides low and they go for the foam so you hook up every time.
  20. got the flies today everyone did a great job. thanks for hosting Cheri
  21. I agree with Flytyer14 those are horrible looking. Just send me all of theme. and I will give them a proper burial by sending to the bottom of the river or lake. And then slowly retrived. and I'll repeat that process.
  22. If your gonna host another one can you save me a spot. I got a killer fly for big smallies.
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