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Fly Tying

NJ All Day

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Everything posted by NJ All Day

  1. here i am, this was two years ago at Lake Champlain in October.
  2. Evan, what thickness do you use for the body foam, is it 2mm or maybe 4mm, i really like this pattern its awesome i love the legs, and where did you buy the wing material from?
  3. Take classes check your local TU chapter, Every winter my local chapter has classes 6 for only $50 but you supply everything, but if you needed anything my teacher would give it to you, or even give me packs of materials, and it was great so much information. Also everyday tie a few flies and practice your casting every chance you get!
  4. They look great a lot better than my first dries, I got a tip for you, along with every one telling you what to do, you gotta look at your own flies and say what you think you did wrong or what could be better
  5. good stuff. can you use on it's own?what kind of material do you use with it?just getting ideas. DNA is great stuff, I use it by itself for clouded minnows, just two contrasting colors and you have a great clouser.
  6. Look up Goldie jr. just google like fly tying Goldie jr.
  7. I love foam cause it floats forever, and it's so durable, also if you throw this buy some grass or Lilly pads you got yourself some bass and 'gills
  8. All done with the flies, yeah I know damn that was fast but I got spring break so I don't really have anything else to do besides tie flies. So addy please
  9. If you still need someone i'll be glad to join with the hoppicator
  10. Beautiful fly, is tere weight into it? By lead wire or dumbell eyes?
  11. I listen to my iPod all the time when I'm tying. But I don't use head phones or any of that I have a docking station at my desk. also I listen to easy listening music and a low volume so it's a nice backround music.
  12. Hey thanks for hosting the swap great to see what everyone else has tied.
  13. If your fishing shallow water. I have a piece of advice for you. Instead of using heavier dumbell eyes, you should use bead chain eyes. They won't make as big of a slash so if your targeting one fish in the shallows it won't be a big splash that will scare the fish. Also with dumbell eyes if you don't cast it right. Then you can hit your rod tip and crack it and there goes your rod. this happened to me once but it didn't break right away. the tip snapped off when I hooked on a 4 pound smallie and I almost lost him. As for size I would suggest medium to large depending on what size hook you use. And if you wanna get down deeper the use dumbell eyes in medium. Evan.
  14. I live in New Jersey, About 45 minutes from New York City. When someone from where i am says "I'm going to New York", Its either the City or Upstate New York, which is everything else besides New York City. So i think that they say State of New York to take the confusion out of it. And no one really says The State of New Jersey, or New Jersey State. Its either New Jersey, Jersey, or everyone thinks of us because the Soprano's as New Joisy. Evan.
  15. How are those Magic Heads, i've always wanted to try them out. What kind of action does it give to the fly? Evan.
  16. flies were sent out this afternoon, keep me posted when they get there. and how they look.
  17. Flies should be in the mail by Monday, haven't benable to tie lately. too busy with college apps. and SAT's. well that's junior year oh high school for ya. anyway I'm gonna add a little grub like pattern I tie. I usally drop It off the ant, as a kinda hopper dropper. Works great I once caught two big gillss at once with this combo.
  18. I'm excited to try this out too. I'm only sixteen years old with no job. so when ever I need something née for tying I have to beg to my parents. So $20 for scissors is crazy. Thanks for the tip cause now my scissors will last a lot longer now. I've had multiple times where I think i got like 500 views with no replies. so don't think it's just because your new.
  19. Ummmm..... The 7 weight will probably work fine, for 5-10 pound carp, there are a lot of different flies for carp. You can use smaller clouser minnows with bead chain eyes, smaller woolly buggers, corn flies, they will also take different patterns off the surface. You can use a heavier leader maybe 10 pound.
  20. Great Fly you got there! Im gonna tie some up for upcoming spring.
  21. sorry for the double post... my computer froze when posting and posted the same thing twice.
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