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Fly Tying

NJ All Day

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Everything posted by NJ All Day

  1. Do you epoxy your poppers? or use some other type of cover?
  2. I'm sure there are some guys on here that will help you. But you could just look for the patterns that are working for those species of fish, then find a recipe of the fly and then get the materials that way.
  3. Some measure success in the amount of fish you catch. Some measure it in the scenery, laughs, and good times you had out there. Either way that was a great report. Thanks for sharing.
  4. A quick google search provided this link. It is multiple pages so flip through. http://flaflyfish.com/stuarts-flies/193-gibbys-dt-special.html
  5. If you fish for bluegill those will produce some good bluegill flies.
  6. Look up Hatch Charts on your area. You could also call some local fly shops and ask them whats working for them.
  7. Even though i'm not a huge football fan. That Packers spool holder is awesome!
  8. Thanks guys. I'll try that technique tonight when i'm tying.
  9. When tying patterns with parachutes how do you tie off your hackle that you wrap around the post?
  10. Kevin check this out. http://www.azflyandtie.com/flyforum/showthread.php?t=6637
  11. Whats a pigboat. My wife says its a bunch of men in a boat fishing. Kevin Here's some reading material and a SBS for you Kevin. http://flyanglersonline.com/flytying/fotw2/022006fotw.php
  12. I wonder what the hook range is? I've been looking for a midge vise and that looks handy.
  13. Clouser minnow. Once you get the proportions down it's a simple tie.
  14. You need to start tying. From what it looks like you have the basics besides the few tools that are missing, but you mentioned them. As you tie flies you'll start to pick up materials that you need for the specific fly that you have. One of the best things about fly tying is that you can substitute materials and they will still work.
  15. I once had a hook like this from a Mustad Signature series streamer hook. When I applied a small amount of pressure to the hook right where it was messed up just snapped. So if you could tie a fly, it was probably break when catching a fish.
  16. Thats why you dont go around, or even look at the $800 rods. Go around on a bunch of different websites like Cabelas, or Basspro, and various other websites to see the different reviews people give the rods.
  17. Yes, the reason while you got the message about flytire and i was because the conversation is between multiple people so when someone else that is in the conversation makes a comment, you will receive the notification.
  18. Here's a thought for next time because i see that you already posted the thread. You could do different categories, because one person might only fish for trout so if someone that fishes for bass joins the swap there's someone that has a trout leader when they fish for bass, and someone with a bass leader that fishes for trout. So maybe next time if you could get enough people you could have a warm water category, and a cold water category. Once again just a thought.
  19. Their really not that hard. Its just portion control. Also, the more practice you get the better you will be. If you having trouble seeing them, then get a magnifying contraption so you can see them.
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