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Fly Tying


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About Jconns

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  • Birthday 12/02/1992

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  • Favorite Species
    Brown Trout
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  1. Thanks a lot guys, looks like i'll be tying a few of these to start off. Jconns
  2. Thanks a lot guys Jconns
  3. Thanks alot guys for the help Jconns
  4. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by Jconns: Rusty Rat
  5. A while back, i was given a box of materials, and among all of it were several flies. This is one of those flies. Just out of curiosity i wanted to know the name of it, so if anybody here could help by telling me what it is, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jconns
  6. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by Jconns: Purple Thunder & Lightning (Variant)
  7. So i've been on a bit of a break from tying flies, and wanted to start tying again, so I figured i'd start with a few dry flies. I know of the bombers and flies of that kind but wanted to try something different. I was just wondering what are some good dry fly patterns for atlantic salmon and sea run trout? Thanks
  8. No, I don't. After tying in the hackle, i'll bring the thread back up to the head and then wrap the hackle, then tie it off.
  9. You can tie them in from the eye, but i tie the hackle in from the bend.
  10. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by Jconns: Orange Bomber
  11. Hey, Thanks for that, I completely forgot about doing that.
  12. Hey, What did you use for the body on this fly?
  13. Thanks for those websites I appreciate it
  14. I was fishing for sea run browns at the time, I was also fishing dead drift and being an idiot i forgot my indicators at my house.
  15. Hi, I recently went fishing and tried a few nymphs that I had tied up, unfortunately with no success. This might sound kind of dumb but I was wondering if anybody could give me some tips on how to fish using a nymph
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