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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by jburge

  1. No worries, you're really not late. There's still plenty of time until April 26. Even if you tied one fly a day for the next 12 days, you'd still have a cushion of a couple of weeks. Some of these guys are just fast! :-) John
  2. Well, thanks for beta testing. Now, if you can just make sure a fish ALWAYS hits it, that'll be perfect :-) John
  3. bump... We have room for one more! Who wants in? You just gotta love any kind of caddis dry, plus we have a great group of tiers already in. John
  4. We have one spot left in our trout dry fly/any type of caddis dry (due date April 26). Feel free to join in. We already have a great group! John
  5. RobertM, Great job! Wow! You guys are the cream of the crop :-) Me, personally? I prefer the darker dry--looks more like the majority of caddis I see around here. We'll see what some others have to say. John
  6. Addy sent. Thanks, Jrbean1! John
  7. Woohoo! Awesome! And addy sent... John
  8. Big E, Nice fly! I like the body size and the biot over the dubbing. I personally prefer hackle like you've chosen because of the types of freestone streams I fish, but I know some guys will trim theirs underneath the fly just to get it to sit a little lower. I'm more than willing to take this guy out for a test drive! :-) John
  9. Alright, everybody who's chimed in, is in. BTW, I'll keep you all posted with the latest status at the very first post in this thread. A couple more people, and we can giddy'up! Dezod, the Lime Trude is a great fly. Technically, not a caddis, but technically, not not a caddis :-) From westfly (west-fly-fishing.com): "Trude-style flies are attractor patterns that imitate nothing in particular. They float well in rough water and are visible. If there is no hatch on, and you feel compelled to fish a dry fly nonetheless, a Trude can be a good choice." Lime is a good caddis color, so go for it. Thanks! John
  10. Old Hat glad to have you aboard! I'm hoping someday to make it up to your neck of the woods. John
  11. Does the pattern "in your head" look anything like your avatar? :-) This should be fun. I always like beta-testing new ideas. Thanks! John
  12. Aw, you know you want to do it ;-) We still have a couple of spots left. Give it some thought, but if you need more time to "recover" I can well understand :-) John
  13. 'tyer, Technically, most people would say the Adams is a mayfly imitation, rather than a caddis. Check your PM's, I have an idea for you. John
  14. Flytyer, Before you make up your mind, take a look at some of these other options (cencalfly is already in with the Kings): http://www.west-fly-fishing.com/fly-patter...cdccaddis.shtml You can find a real variety of caddis dries here http://stevenojai.tripod.com/flybox.htm and here http://wcflies.com/blog/2009/03/henrys-fork-caddis/ and this one is definitely a hot fly, but might be more than you want to bite off Take a look also at any of the Skip Morris foam caddis flies. They're way cool, and simple too. As far as hook size, why don't you go with a #12 or #14--something you'd be comfortable with. No need to get into something really small. Just some suggestions ;-) John BTW, PM me any time if you need some help.
  15. Funny! And yeah, I'm loving these furled bugs, plus I get to use a little more of my Softex ;-) And you're right about the CA representation--I love those stomping grounds. Even though I sit almost on the American, I have a sweet spot for the Kern. John
  16. We're good to go. Just announced and your in ;-) John
  17. Swap is CLOSED ;-) Alrighty, we're looking for 10 swappers (12 total) interested in tying up any type of caddis dry. Target audience is trout ;-) Due date is April 26. That's 5 weeks and change from now, plus it gets you past tax day. First 10 to chime in are in. Standard swap rules apply--toe tags, return postage, etc. When your flies are done, send me a PM and I'll send you my mailing address. This is my first swap as a host, and setting it up for Flytyer14, so he's already in. Let's have some fun! 1. jburge - October Blimp (Ken Hanley's furled caddis) - COMPLETE 2. Flytyer14 - Henry's Fork Caddis - RECEIVED 3. SullyTM - The Animal - RECEIVED 4. fishingbobnelson - Light Elk Hair Caddis - RECEIVED 5. cencalfly - Kings River Caddis- RECEIVED 6. Robert M - Tape Wing Caddis - RECEIVED 7. Big E - Big E Caddis (Wally Wing Caddis) - RECEIVED 8. Old Hat - X-Caddis - RECEIVED 9. jrbean1 - Sedge Caddis - RECEIVED 10. Dezod - Lime Trude - RECEIVED 11. Racer X - Brown Foam Deer Hair Caddis- RECEIVED 12. jburge - Olive X2-Caddis - COMPLETE It's Wednesday, April 28 and they are outta here!
  18. Mark, Yep, the old rule of participating in three swaps before hosting is still in effect. I'll host so hopefully this'll help you get on your way. I need to let board staff know ahead of time that I'm hosting and then I can announce. Are you looking for any size/type of trout dry, or did you have a particular flavor in mind--mayfly, caddis, hopper, particular material? I've personally been working on furled flies lately, so that's where my mind (and materials) are ;-) John
  19. Gracias! Can't wait to try these on one of my favorite 'gill and bass ponds. John
  20. I'm with wes, in that I'd like to see the article too. Appreciate your posting the pix. Out of curiosity, what's the underbody? Is is just the thread? Thanks! John
  21. Mark, You still interested? I've done enough swaps here to host, and have to admit I'm partial to the dries. I just sent off some flies for another trout dry swap on this board, but hey, can't have enough, right? Let me know. I'll get refreshed on the rules and see about setting one up. John
  22. And I'll "third" the motion ;-) Keep 'em. John
  23. Quill Gordon's are done ;-) Can't wait to see what this box will contain. atroutbum2, thanks for hosting! John
  24. atroutbum2, I'm going to toss in a #14 Quill Gordon. Gotta love those Catskill dries ;-) Thanks! John
  25. I'm in ;-) Pattern TBD. Thanks! John
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