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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by jburge

  1. atroutbum2, I'm going to toss in a #14 Quill Gordon. Gotta love those Catskill dries ;-) Thanks! John
  2. I'm in ;-) Pattern TBD. Thanks! John
  3. All I can say is, "Wow!" That is gorgeous. Nice work! John
  4. Woo hoo! Got my flies in today's mail. Awesome! You guys did a great job. I'm gonna get out ASAP and try these out. Thanks, bulldog for hosting. John
  5. Well, this is kinda weird and kinda funny too... Since Scott and I live in the same neck of the woods, I was able to hand over my flies for this swap when he and I went fishing together. Long story short, we were never able to connect up again--he's working when I'm fishing, I'm working when he's fishing, life and family stuff, you know the routine. All that to say Scott was kind enough to mail the flies to me, and, "wow!" You guys did an awesome job. Thanks Scott for hosting, and thanks to you all for some great flies. John
  6. rich5665 and txflytier, PM's sent... And wouldn't you know it... I'm at our local FFF club meeting tonight, and what do I see at our lending library? "Streamer Flies for Trophy Trout," Volume 1 with Kelly Galloup. The chapters are Zoo Cougar, Stacked Blonde, Wooly Sculpin, Twin Tail Madonna, and Galloup's Craw. LOL. Wish I had seen this a month ago. Can't wait to fire it up now. John
  7. All mine are outta here. Can't wait to see the whole collection. And thanks Bulldog for hosting... John
  8. Bulldog, Finished up the JJ's buggers and sent you a PM for your addy. Thanks! John
  9. Alrighty Kevin, count me in with a JJ's Special. John
  10. Wow, Kevin, thanks. I'd love to try. And Rich, you are far too kind ;-) Thank you. I'm definitely learning, but definitely willing to push myself too. So, is the JJ's Wooly Bugger a Galloups fly, or are they just the flies that actually say "Galloups..."? If I can, I'll be in with a JJ's... John Geez, it's such a boring name compared to all the others. Ha! :-) And Horseshoes, awesome control man. Congrats! He he.
  11. Kevin, I might be willing to get in, but being a relative noob when it comes to tying (about a year), I'm going to have investigate these flies a bit more. But, I found a great source--the Galloup's Slide Inn store. All the streamers (66) are here: http://www.slideinn.com/store/index.php?cPath=23 John
  12. Sorry to hear about the allergies--my oldest son has the same problem. The Henry's Fork is a great fly. I've used it in a number of Sierra streams and have caught 'bows, browns, and goldens. Good luck! John
  13. Have you seen this one? http://wcflies.com/blog/2009/03/henrys-fork-caddis/ A really nice fly, and it's been productive for me. John
  14. Woo hoo! Got my flies in yesterday's mail. You guys rock! I'm heading up to the Lake Tahoe region in a little while and will have a chance to try 'em out. Thanks, all, and thanks rich5665 for hosting. John
  15. He, he, thanks, Scott. Yeah, did the hopper exchange and we both got to play with some 'bows until dark. Can't ask for much more! John
  16. Scotty, great idea for a swap. This is gonna turn out to be a beautiful set! Got mine finished (the picture shows 13, but I'm sending 14): You can send me an addy or we can just hook up when we're fishing the same waters ;-) John BTW, I forgot to add the recipe. For those who are interested: Recipe Hook: #12 TMC 5212 Thread: 6/0 Olive Under body: 1mm olive foam Over body: 2mm tan foam (cut with River Road Creations tapered chernobyl body) Under wing: Pearl krystal flash Over wing: Bleached elk hair Thorax: Light olive ice dub Legs: Black and white medium rubber legs
  17. Got the box of flies in yesterday's mail. Sweet! Great group of ties by everyone. Thanks, millerwb for hosting. John
  18. Scott, it took a while, but after I got through all my indecision and waffling... I'm in with a DH hopper: http://www.classicflytying.com/pattern6966.html I've already tied up a few in different colors, but I'll be sending an olive and tan one for the swap. John
  19. And Mr. V, great news. I am so ready for some elevation. BTW, be sure to ask me about the little piggies that bent my 3wt in half and broke my leader--twice--in our favorite pond ;-) John
  20. Scott, I'm definitely in with a TBD ;-)
  21. Picked up the flies from the mail yesterday. Wow! Great job everyone. This is a fabulous collection. Thanks 'freak ;-)
  22. And the feeling's mutual. And the idea of razor foam for the wingcase is brilliant. Can't wait to put one of those bugs of yours in the water ;-) John
  23. Wow, we're already into some sweet bugs! I'm feeling particularly sheepish submitting a size 16--you guys with your 20's and 22's. That's impressive! :thumbsup: At any rate, got a bunch of these mosquitos tied up, and they'll be tagged, bagged, and in the mail on Monday: Recipe Hook: #16 Targus 103BL (TMC 100 equivalent) Thread: Black 8/0 Wing: Grizzly hackle tips Tail: Grizzly hackle fibers Body: Stripped grizzly hackle quill Hackle: Grizzly John
  24. FWIW, I've found the little Plano 6 compartment boxes are perfect. I pick 'em up at Walmart for less than $1.50 each. I then get some padded USPS envelopes for .99 each and I'm good to go. John
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