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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by jburge

  1. Hi everyone,


    I just want to apologize to everyone for holding this swap up.


    Dan, don't sweat it. Like Bob said, not knowing what's happening with a swapper is what's frustrating. Life happens, and there are seasons for everything. You obviously care. I don't think anybody can fault you. Hang in there.

  2. Hey Bob, did you happen to snag any pics of the submitted ties? I've been wanting to see what everyone sent in


    Rogue, I talked to Bob this afternoon and offered to take some pix. It's not a state-of-the-art studio, but I have a lightbox with a macro setup on my camera. I can shoot pix of the flies and post them. Only drawback is, it'll have to be after Christmas.


    Ho, ho, ho, and Merry Christmas!



  3. A "Go Fund Me" site has been opened to help Ross with medical expenses. You can see a few pictures of him and of what's left of his car. Ross had $14.00 to his name when he started this new job, now he is looking at months of rehab and recovery. At this Thanksgiving please give if you can.



    What Bob said. Ross is a straight-up guy, a fly tying "freak," and amazing brother. If you can, please reach out.

  4. Ok now it's Chinese food. Bad enough when you two old rattlers would go for sushi without me, now it's Chinese. There will be a piece of coal in the toe of your stocking this Xmas.


    Hey we had some boxed up and ready to send to you, but for some reason the post office wasn't allowing it. ;-)

  5. Guys, I tell you what. The Humpy has always been a hard fly for me to tie. And small flies are hard as well. I have tried tying the Humpy with limited success. I can turn one out that will do in a rush, but that's it. So, when I get a set of 12 Humpies, SMALL ones, to boot, and they look like they came out of a Humpy MACHINE....! Well, all I can say is TRIPLE Wow! (A double wow isn't good enough.) Jburge has offered a very welcome addition to this set of flies, and you guys are going to love seeing this one. Thanks Jburge, and many thanks for the extras. I really appreciate them.


    Take Care




    Ha! Too funny. And, my pleasure. Glad you like 'em. Don't know why, but I've had more success with red than with any other color.

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