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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by jburge

  1. "That's just not right. I'm not jealous. Nope. "


    I'd say take it up with fishybob, but gotta admit, *sometimes* I can find food alternatives. Still, it's hard to compete with the guy--he knows where to find great sushi, amazing Chinese, and now (a new place), awesome smoked BBQ. We need to go to these places to swap flies, yeah, that's right, we need to swap flies. LOL :-) We always leave a chair open for you... he, he...




    Just returned from a backpack trip in the Sierra Nevada (too much fun catching fish), and I find a great set of emergers in the mail. Thanks to all for tying a really nice set, and thanks breambuster for hosting!

    Where did you go? I just got back from a backpacking trip from the Sierras myself



    Carson-Iceberg Wilderness. Fished a lot of the upper reaches of the East Fork Carson--below the falls, though :-0


    How 'bout you? Where were you?



    Very nice. I was in the Golden Trout Wilderness, up and over the Cottonwood Pass at 11,000 feet fishing some creeks. Beautiful country up there.



    Oooo, yeah. I know exactly where you were. I did Cottonwood a couple of years ago. Big Whitney meadow, Volcano Creek (aka Golden Trout Creek), Little Whitney meadow, back up to Mulkey Creek and over Trail Pass. You're right, it's stunning country! Just wish I could get up there more often :-)


    Just returned from a backpack trip in the Sierra Nevada (too much fun catching fish), and I find a great set of emergers in the mail. Thanks to all for tying a really nice set, and thanks breambuster for hosting!

    Where did you go? I just got back from a backpacking trip from the Sierras myself



    Carson-Iceberg Wilderness. Fished a lot of the upper reaches of the East Fork Carson--below the falls, though :-0


    How 'bout you? Where were you?

  4. Jburge- what hook is yours tied on?


    He, he. Nice hook. I found 'em when fishingbob and I were at the NW Fly Tying Expo in Albany, OR last March. They're a European style scud/Czech nymph hook manufactured for flytyingspecialties.com. I also picked up some of their dry fly hooks, which looked very appealing as well.

  5. Gotta chime in.


    - If your first choice is a commercial product, there are plenty out there.

    - If you want to DIY, try "Albolene." It's sold as a "makeup remover," but works exceptionally well as a floatant.


    Here's the issue I see. IMHO when you first put your fly on the water, use a "grease" type floatant, because it will insulate the cells in the fibers on the fly from saturation. However, once the original "grease" has worn off you do NOT want to try to reinsulate with more "grease" based product. At that point, you should try a dry shake dessicant, which will repel the water from the now soaked fibers.


    Funny thing is, everybody has an opinion. The best thing to do... get out on the water and try it.



  6. Just to keep y'all up to date... I am packaging and sorting today (Saturday), so all will go out on Monday morning. And yes, we're a swapper short, so there will be one extra fly in each set.


    I can't thank you all enough for helping to inspire a young tier. Gotta keep the tradition going :-)



  7. Alrighty, just to let you all know, everybody's flies are in except one. I've sent two PM's neither of which have been read, so I'm not sure of our swapper's status. That said, I'll send one more PM, and I'll begin sorting our sets so they can get outta here ASAP. My nephew has been chomping at the bit to see everything that's come in. Again, thank you all for joining!



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