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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by 12mile

  1. Gents - what can I say, my dog at all of my CDC... In any event my CDC midge emergers will go out first thing this morning. - 12mile
  2. Sorry to be sending mine so close to the deadline, but I ended up tying a size 14 olive sparkle dun. They will go out tomorrow morning, well actually later this morning. -12mile
  3. Received my set today as well, very nice surprise. Thanks everyone. ~12mile
  4. "I'm your huckleberry" Val killed that part
  5. BB - did you receive my Diawl Bach's? - 12mile
  6. Had mine done for awhile, but they went out today. I forgot to put the material list in the box, so here it goes: Diawl Bach, size 12 wet fly hook, materials in the order of tie-in, black 8/0 thread, brown cock hackle tail, red wire rib, 2-strands of peacock hearl, (2) red pearl flashback, brown hackle for false hackle or throat, black 8/0 thead head 12mile
  7. My daiwl bach's are ready, please PM address.
  8. BB - I'm in with wet or soft hackle pattern TBD This will be my first swap in this forum, but I have read all of the pinned requirements.
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