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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Flyfisher13

  1. I have allowed one more tyer enter that just joined the forum yesterday, so that puts us up to 7 tyers. I'm excited to see what you guys are tying. Have fun!!! I have updated the flies that I have received. Looking forward to see everyone elses. The flies I have received look great. Great job tyers!!!
  2. I have received flies today from fish24.... can I have an update? anyone needing the addy?
  3. Yep, Jamie, I think Jan's in charge of the goat. You get the weapons (I'll be close by to back you up with moral support and carry the beer), Ian can take the sheers and ziplock baggies, and Chris... Well, I guess Chris will be in charge of manning the boat and coaching Jan on his Kentucky DOC ninja techniques. We can leave him one beer, can't we, Jamie? Remember, Jan, you can't run too quick. You have to subdue the Chupa long enough for Ian to snip the wings off. Mike One but no more than two for Chris if we want to have a boat to come back to. He will get in his own little world and forget about us and who knows where he or the boat will be and we will have the Chupa hunting us. Jan is a good sport. Jamie
  4. Hey guys we can't let BDH have too many he will forget that we are at the cave and just might go on a joy ride in the boat after some big fish he see swim by and forget all of us. LOL so did we decide that Jan has the goat now? Be real brave and be ready to run real real fast...... and like my son would tell you from the scouts always be prepared.
  5. Does that mean the little one starts screaming when he goes fishing with BDH? Now we really know who bought the Shark Hat Daddy says that it is that Mommy thing that he has to be close to me and the wearing of the SHARK hat has nothing to do with it. LoL :hyst: For the most part he will sleep through the fishing as long as he is in the kangaroo pouch as we call it but you can forget putting him in the buggy. Rick, sorry to hear about your daughter wish them and your family well and will keep them in our prayers. Pat, how is your wife doing. We have her in our prayers also. My mother is a breast cancer survivor. I plan on trying to have some extra flies tied for the casting for recovery this next round. Later everyone take care. FF13
  6. Hello everyone I just had a few minutes while the baby is sitting in his bouncy seat and had a chance to read a few post and wanted to take a minute to say hi and the flies in the mystery box looked great when we had it this last time. The baby is growing like a weed and it is hard to believe he is almost 3 months old already and is up to 12lbs. He has already went on his first fishing and camping trip. He likes to fish most of the time as long as he is in his front carry on pouch on Mommy. Can't hardly wait til the next round. Also saw a lot of us is in the Santa swap together lots of Fun on this forum. Jamie
  7. Jan we need to tie 7 flies unless you want one of your own back then you would tie 8. It would have been 6 but Fishn247..... both his son and daughter wanted to participate and I couldn't say no to one of them that wouldn't have been fair and I had originally had 8 spaces available. Thanks hope that don't cause a problem. Jamie
  8. :yahoo: I have allowed one more tyer enter that just joined the forum yesterday, so that puts us up to 7 tyers. I'm excited to see what you guys are tying. Have fun!!!
  9. I closed the swap but there is still room for one more and that will bring us up to 7 tiers I think. Just pm me with the names if you are interested. The due date is the 1st of Nov.
  10. Swap is closed with 6 participating. Kids have fun with this and let me know when you need the addy to send your flies. Thanks everyone!!! FF13
  11. I am finishing mine up tonight. I was having to wait for the eyes that BDH had ordered for me to come in. Then I had sqeeze some time in there with the baby, the kids, their activities, and back part time to work, just having to learn to juggle everything and get back into the swing of things. I tied most of them last night while watching a thriller flick with the hubby after we managed to get the little ones in bed. I will be sending mine in the same package with my husband we figured that would make more sense than packaging two different packages coming from the same household. We should be getting them in the mail by the end of this week or at lastest first of next before we head out for a fishing trip for the kids fall break. Will you send us the addy please. Thanks FF13
  12. :yahoo: Swap will close Tomorrow at Noon. If anyone else is interested please jump in. Young ones go ahead and get started!!! If we all get finished early and ship them to me I will get them sorted and back out to you sooner. Thanks and have lots of fun with this !!! :yahoo:
  13. We have five swappers so far and can take three more. If any one has a friend or if you are new at tying and need a first swap we have a few more spots and lots of fun. This is a fun swap for the younger ones or for the new at tying will be accepted. I will leave it open until next Thursday then I will close it unless it fills before then. After Thursday if we don't have 8 swappers we will run it with the number we have. Thanks everyone and have fun tying.
  14. I got one that looks like a mayfly and it has the special wings that look like pantyhose... very nice fly! :thumbup: I also took the blue popper that ff13 tied. Hope you have lots of fish on that blue popper. Was it the light blue or the black with the blue glitter coat over it? Either one is always good for the bass around here especially in the evening at dusk or early morn or on overcast days. I have taken some nice fish on popper like that one. Have fun!!!
  15. Welcome to the forum. It is always nice to see other females joining that are fishers and tyers. Hope you have as much fun with the forum as I do. These guys are great. But I have learned once you get in on one swap it is over from there you can become addicted. LOL. I think I am in about three now and I am hosting one. Lots of fun. Flyfisher13
  16. Thanks Jan and welcome aboard There are a couple of spots left to fill.
  17. Welcome aboard everyone. Have lots of fun with it. Hello guys we are on our way with this swap but we are looking for a few more takers. Is there any other younger ones out there that is looking for a first swap or just a fun swap: we have about four more spaces available. You can be a first or have experience, just remember that this is some of our kids first swap ever and some haven't been tying for long. Any one else interested jump on in for the fun. :headbang:
  18. unfortunaly he has already had some of his fun computer time taken due to a few issues he has with some of his midterm grades. However he is as upset with hisself as we are with him and he has spoken with his teacher to get those grades brought back up. He will be back soon. We try not to be too hard on the kid but he knows his graded are very important. Thanks everyone for welcoming him aboard he is so excited about the forum and he is in his first swap already, gotta watch him that he doesn't became Rich5665. :hyst:
  19. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one. Catch a big one. FF13
  20. Rich, I think we will have to start a new swap for all those boy scouts. My son may like that too. What did your son say would he like to be in?
  21. Welcome fellow Kentuckian. I am from Madison Co and my husband Big Daddy Hub is from Letcher Co.
  22. Sounds great! Just remember no assembly lines of young cub scouts, Rich. LoL :hyst:
  23. Welcome aboard everyone. Have lots of fun with it.
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