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Fly Tying


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About tyininmontana

  • Rank
    Bait Fisherman
  • Birthday 08/24/1989

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  • Location
    Bozeman, MT

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  1. im really lookin forward to exploring the park a little more this year. all you have to do is walk 100 feet and your away from everyone. haha.
  2. after living in montana for 2 years i finally fished YNP. it was quite a experience fishing the firehole with a herd of 200 buffalo in the same meadow. the fish werent huge but it was the exerience that counted. also got to fish the upper madison for the first time. we fished 3 dollar bridge which is another famous landmark in montana. all in all it was an amazing day in montana.im glad i live here.
  3. i started on a san juan. just to get the basic motions of tying then started to tie a prince since most of your basic skills are involved in a prince. tails, body, hackle etc.
  4. i love to tie so if that means tying hoppers in january im gonna do it. and it is really nice not getting bummed losing a fly knowing i spent 2 bucks on it. now i just know ive got another 2 dozen of them at home.
  5. ive been putting my feathers off of live animals in the freezer. then take them out for a day then put them back in just in case someting "hatches" then back in the freezer for a bit. but i think the microwave is a little faster idea.
  6. my first scissors were dr. slicks and for 20 bucks they were pricey at first but im glad i spent the money. plus with slicks are sharpened and put together in belgrade montana and thats about 5 miles down the road. so i was happy to support a local company.
  7. hey my names shane and i live in bozeman montana. started fly fishin 2 years ago and am totally addicted. i started tying about 2 months ago and thanks to great guys at work and fly shops my life has changed. its so much fun to create my own bugs and catch fish on them. but im glad to be here and learn something.
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