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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by MIKE*A

  1. Welcome aboard John! You don't mention where you live or what you will be fishing for.......I think most people on here would suggest staying away from "Kits"....there are nice ones out there, but you usually wind up w/a lot of crap that you don't use as well........What I usually tell people is if you have a bass pro or cabela's or some other like/similair store around, go in and buy one of their cheap $9.99 vices whcih is more than adequate for tying "beginner" type flies such as bucktail streamers, clouser minnows etc. Get a pair of scissors, some white 0/0 thread and some popular colors of dyed bucktail...black, white, chartreuse, olive, some streamer hooks size 4-8 maybe. Check your area also for fly tying clubs as many offer free (or reduced rate ...enough to cover materials used) lessons.......There are video tutorials on this website. If you enjoy it, you can add tools and upgrade your vice down the road and use your cheapo as a spare or loaner. A lot of people say you need a bobbin right off to hold your thread, they are helpful, but you can do w/out in the beginning on beginner flies, just use a halfhitch to hold your thread tight in between steps...... Good Luck! Mike :headbang:
  2. Those will fish! I agree w/Kennyx.....the older I get, the sparser my clousers get...... do you ever do any fishing over at St. Andrews state park? I use to go down quite a bit.....I particularly love going down in October.....some phenomenal fishing off the beaches! Mike :headbang:
  3. Welcome Aboard! I'm still tying on my Thompson "A" that my father gave me back in 1977......unfortunately my last motorcycle got stolen in 1991.....now I just drive my Jeep minus the doors/top w/my flyrod in the back....not quite the same......but close enough for me anymore.... Mike :headbang:
  4. Welcome Aboard! Mike :headbang:
  5. Welcome Aboard! You've come to the right place........ Mike :headbang:
  6. Welcome aboard Mikael! We have a lot of great people and information on this site....Looking forward to some contributions from you! Mike :headbang:
  7. You've come to the right place......Welcome aboard! Mike :headbang:
  8. Welcome aboard Don! I remember pouring thru the Herter's catalogs myself! It was quite the treat when one arrived in the mail. mike
  9. Boy Scout Leader Soccer coach hiking/backpacking canoeing/kayaking playing with my Jeep
  10. Welcome Aboard ......to both of you! Mike :headbang:
  11. Welcome Aboard! Mike :headbang:
  12. Ditto what Riffle said! If you don't use good quality deer hair you will get frustrated quick! Call Chris Helm tell him what you are wanting to tie and in what size, he will send you the right hair to tie with.....Also make sure you are using the right thread.........GSP! Good Luck! Mike
  13. Welcome aboard! Looking forward to your contributions. Mike
  14. Welcome aboard! I took a long weekend down there w/the wife several years ago, unfortunately I wasn't allowed to bring the long rod with me...we rented a cabin in Townsend and spent the weekend hiking the area.....I did manage to talk her into a visit to the local fly shop.....I promised myself I would come back some day w/my backpack and rod and experience some of that great backcountry flyfishing you have down there! Mike :headbang:
  15. Too distracting w/a tv....I would probably fall asleep in the recliner.....I tie in our "computer room" at the back of the house in a straight back office style chair with a radio on.... Mike
  16. My walleye experience on a fly rod is very limited.....with that said, I was picking them up on a sinking line w/a bunny strip leech both olive and black.....I was catching them early morning and late evening where a creek dumped into the lake..... Good Luck! Mike
  17. I haven't had a chance to watch them yet, but I am recording them! Mike
  18. Hey J, Good Luck w/the move! Mike :headbang:
  19. Hi Sean! Welcome Aboard! Don't forget to check out the sister sites listed at the top of the page, you would probably enjoy the "Classic Flies" website a well as it is loaded w/salmon flies. Mike :headbang:
  20. Great job on both the fly and the fish! Let's see a pic of your yak! I got a Native Watercraft Ultimate 12 this year and absolutely love it! Mike :headbang:
  21. Great Job Will! Do you ever sleep? Mike :headbang:
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