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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by MIKE*A

  1. My preference is to camp...........nothing like sitting around a nice campfire in the evening with cold beverages, good cigar, and bs'n with your buddies after a long day of fishing. At one time or another I have done all of the above though..... Mike
  2. I'vr never seen that mag...........probably because i live in Ohio.........is it quarterly or monthly?
  3. MIKE*A

    Upset baby !!!!

    I listened to the X game on my car radio..........that was an @$$ whoopin'....
  4. Happy B-day Will!!! 25th??? Wow! I hope your in better shape tomorrow than I was the day after my 25th....... mike
  5. A couple years ago, i was floating around a small pond in my bellyboat when the water started erupting with bass launching themselves at the damsels fluttering above the water........the closest thing i had were some small black poppers, but they worked........it was a very enjoyable hour and a half. One bass even went after my popper in mid air (about a foot above the surface)!!
  6. I like the design............I would prefer to see it embroidered as opposed to screened. I unfortunately have a "pumpkin" head as well (7 3/4 in a fitted). Fitted would be nice, however, I would wear one with a fabric or leather adjuster in the back as opposed to the cheap plastic snap together thingamabobs........... Mike Oh yeah, make sure the underside of the brim is dark........
  7. Awesome!!!!!! I never made it on the field, but did get my picture taken in front of Pesky's pole.........and leaning out touching the "Green Monster"
  8. thanx........i'll take you up on that. I'll be staying with my brother in pemboke. He works out on the cape and his wife works in downtonw Boston. They moved there this past summer, we visited over Thanskgiving........looking forward to getting back. I would be interested in any backwater/salt pond areas you could point me towards.....not looking for any trophies......maybe some small schoolie stripers if I'm lucky.....I'll probably have some small kids in tow. i wouldn't mind hitting a beach with the flyrod.......it would have to be a relatively calm day, I don't think my skills are up for it otherwise. Mike
  9. I fail to see the humor in this..............
  10. Awsome picture! I'm heading that way in June. Fell free to post some more pic.s........It'll help get me pumped up for my visit!
  11. Welcome aboard Duff....... mike
  12. MIKE*A


    Welcome Aboard! Mike
  13. The last i saw, saturday @ 0630 & sunday @ 0900 hours...........ESPN2
  14. Sat/Sun on ESPN2, The Walkers Cay episode is in Zanesville, Ohio fishing for Bass at the "Wilds"...........I've been waiting for this......... Mike
  15. welcome guys, First off RJ......Two of my favorite activities- Flyfishing/jeeping........2001 Wrangler Sport/Dana44 rearend.......My brother is in pembroke, I'm headed up that way this Summer to visit....may have to hit you up for some spots/tips. Bear Coat.......I don't hit the Mad much anymore as i am nestled in between the Great Miami/Stillwater.........Smallmouths! you know what i mean?
  16. I'm with you on that Sk...........I've been a bosox fan for 42 years and never wavered (cringed a few times though)............just 2 years ago everyone was amazed that a team could have a 100 mil. payroll...........now the yanks are going to top 200 mil.........They are going thru arb. w/Gabe White and are in the hunt for Greg Maddux........unbelievable!!
  17. Well.........., i just got back........It was a pretty good show.......nothing like the big shows out on the East coast, but not too bad. Plenty of exhibitors, demo.s, etc. Not a lot of deals on gear, but there were a few if you looked hard enough. I only stayed about 2 hours because i had my 8 year old daughter with me. they had a kids section, just not too many kids around. I think a bunch of the old guys got a kick out of watching my daughter sit down at the tying table and whip out a wooly bugger...........
  18. How about it? Is Green Caddis going to have a booth?
  19. I think i saw that episode......it was pretty good. Hey TB, Is that up in the panhandle?
  20. MIKE*A

    Fry Fly

    thanx LB, I've never used a rabbit strip on anything that small......I've got another pattern I've used for years trying to imitate the small Shad fry in my neighborhood rivers, but it doesn't have half the action this would......... mike
  21. As far as I'm concerned, you are a lucky man............I might have made it out 20 times last year..........
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