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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by MIKE*A

  1. I haven't done much crappie fishing in recent years, but the first fly I learned to tie (25 years ago....wow) turned out to be a crappie killer for me back then. It was called the "Little Skunk" for reasons soon to be obvious. It was generally tied on a size 8-12 hook with a black chenille body and a piece of white polypropylene tied on at the tail. The original recipe called for the tail to be as long as the hook gap was wide. the remainder of the polypro was pulled over the back and tied off at the head. You can whip a dozen of them off in no time. Over the years, I have used the same pattern with some color variations. Most recently, I began tying them in all white or silver to simulate the small shad hatchlings in the nearby rivers in the Spring......the Smallies and Rock Bass gorge themselves on them.......they are very simple/quick to tie which is good, because i lose a lot of them in the rivers with all the brush etc. My (then) 7 year old daughter began tying some of these last spring. I think they looked better than mine....... I think I've even tied some with bead heads and pull chain eyes.

  2. I've never fished for them, none of the rivers in my neck of the woods have any.........I've heard that there are some in the lower ends of my rivers down where they meet the Ohio. I seem to recall an article in one of my old (and defunct) issues of "Warmwater flyfishing" about flyfishing for gar.....I'll have to see if I can find it...........I do miss that magazine.

  3. No, you aren't crazy.........it's 10,000+ acres of reclaimed strip mines that was originally leased by several of the larger zoos in Ohio to grow hay and other somewhat exotic plants to feed their herd animals. They then started using it as a place to store their surplus animals from their breeding programs. They now use it as an educational tool for schools, scouts, etc. You can go there and take a mini bus safari and see all the wild animals. they just recently opened it up to fishing, but i think they have some sort of exclusive agreement with "Mad river Outfitters" out of Columbus to run guided trips there. In checking their website, their trips are a little pricey......I think i will stick with my trips to the Ohio Power Lands which butt up to the wilds......other than holiday weekends, I have never hit big crowds there........nothing like a long weekend floating around a beaver pond in your belly boat.....

  4. I'll grant you, Ohio isn't the best flyfishing.........but, I still get out and enjoy myself. Have you ever heard of a place called "the wilds". Flip Pallot filmed an episode of "Walkers Cay Chronicles" there this past July. I wanted to get up there to see him, but couldn't make the time. Mad River outfitters out of Columbus hosted him. "The wilds" is about an hour East of Columbus off I-70. they have pic.s posted on their website. I've been checking the Walkers Cay website, but they haven;t posted their 2004 show schedule yet.

  5. I had never had the opportunity to flyfish in the salt until about 5 weeks ago. We ran down to Panama City for the kids Fall Break (year round school). I've fished the surf or off piers or jetties and had a ball, but never had the nerve to try flyfishing. I woke up one morning about 0700 and walked out on the balcony and for about 300 yards either direction up the beach, the water was boiling and there was absolutely no wind. I grabbed my rod and ran down to the beach and for the next two hours had the time of my life!!! At first I hit nothing but Ladyfish in the 2-3# range, then I started hitting Spanish Mackeral and eventually a couple small Blues. A couple times, I had to wade out to my chest to reach them.......At the end of the two hours, they were still feeding, just well beyond my range and it was just as well because my shoulder was throbbing. I am looking forward to tying some of these patterns Striblu is posting as well as picking his and everyone elses brain for the next time I go.



  6. I've always got a supply of cork poppers on hand............one evening back in September I unexpectedly found about two hours of free time so I grabbed my rod and hit a farm pond i have access to nearby. I tied on a popper, put on an 18"dropper w/ a nymph and had a ball!!........In about 90 min.s, I caught 6 bass between 1-3 #'s on the popper, on the nymph, I caught countless bluegills, a 2-3# channel cat, and a 5-7 # grass carp!...........I also broke off what i am guessing was another big(ger) cat. Good time..........

  7. Hey All,

    I just ran across this board and am looking forward to some good discussions/information sharing/BS this Winter............I fish primarily warm water and am fortunate enough to be able to walk down my street and fish the Great Miami River (smallies, carp, and the occasional Largemouth or Channel Cat) or walk up to the other end of my street and fish the Stillwater River (Smallies and lots of Rock Bass). I do have a pretty good Trout stream about 40 minutes North of me (Mad River), but with 2 young ones usually in tow.........Well.......I just can't seem to find the time to get there anymore. My brother just recently moved to Cape Cod, hopefully I will be able to get up there next year and try my hand at some blue/striper fishing.........

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