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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by MIKE*A

  1. MIKE*A

    black damsel.

    Can't say that I have.....90% of what I see in SW Ohio are blue with the occasional orange or cinnamon colored....... Mike
  2. Very nice! I'm not familiar w/the "screaming mouth" on crease flies.......care to elaborate? Mike
  3. Good Luck with the surgery Will! Mike
  4. Hi, Welcome aboard! Salt works....I prefer borax which is sold in most grocery stores in the laundry detergent section.....I also place my hides in the freezer for a couple of days.....then thaw them out...then re-freeze them for a couple of more days...this kills most bugs that may be on the hides.........I also put them in ziplock bags w/moth balls......... Mike
  5. Thank-you....it's the big 5-0 this year......oh well Mike
  6. I know you were disappointed in the trip......but it sure beats a day behind the desk! The Whiting are good eating! Thanks for sharing the photos. Mike
  7. Nice score! I have a craft shop near my office, I'll ocassionally pop in......my last big score was on pairs of flip-flops in various colors for like$.50 a pair......I made a lot of poppers out of them...... Mike
  8. I don't believe I've ever tied w/gray fox, however, I would think that if you substituted it for the red fox fur in the "Foxee clouser", it would look like a typical Ohio "softshell" crayfish which our ohio smallies absolutely love..... Mike
  9. Very sorry for your loss. Glad to see you back! Mike
  10. Sweet! It's been a few years since we've had any of the periodicals hatch around here, but it's always a hoot! I always thought the tough part was the wings....I'l have to see if I have any old ones laying around.....Iused black deer hair for the body w/burnt mono eyes painted orange and for thewings, sparse orange bucktail w/some flashabou.....There was a nice pattern in the last hatches....I think it was called a"chubby cicada" or something like that....
  11. What brood and what part of the country are they appearing?
  12. I can't offer any first hand info. on the fishing in the area, however, If you find some free time and are anywhere near Townsend Tn., I would highly recommend visiting the Little River outfitters.....the absolute best flytying material selection i've ever encountered! Very friendly, but not pushy staff. As i recall they have an open forum on their website, you might find some useful information there.... www.littleriveroutfitters.com/ Mike
  13. I'm envious!!! I have yet to get out this year..... Mike
  14. Check the fly pattern database....Someone came up w/a real nice cicada pattern last year......it might have been in the last issue of hathces to.....I'll see if i can find it... Mike
  15. I'm heading to the Boundary waters in July....I've been tying up a bunch of big double bunnies and such for the pike.mainly because they are easy to tie and fairly durable.......I've also tied up some 1/2 & 1/2's in the 5-6" rangesimiliar to your deceivers only more girth....not nearly as durable, but will be easier to cast w/my 8 wt. when wet.......Tie some of those up in blue gill colors and they should be dynamite for the bigger bass in the AEP...... Mike
  16. I love the AEP!!!! Watch out for the ticks!!! They can be awful up there.....We actually did an FTF outing there years ago......great time! Mike
  17. I saw this before, it might have been here......It's very funny and even though I would like to believe it happened, I have my doubts........I've been a cop for over 20 years and I have never arrested a robber, burglar, street thief that had a credit card.....unless it was stolen..... Mike
  18. I'd throw in some bunny strip leeches......black, brown, olive are my standard colors. Mike
  19. I've tried different synthetics and they have worked ok, but i just prefer bucktail......If I were tying alot of bigger flies for the salt, I could see using more synthetics. Mike
  20. Your right, that is confusing......quite often, w/that much lead wire wrapped around the hook shank, it will probably ride hook point up irregardless of where the eyes are placed,,,,,,,especially if the eyes are bead chain or some lightweight plastic eyes.....
  21. No problem TWF! After re-reading the article myself, I think I will have to tie some bigger ones up for a trip I am taking to Minnesota this summer for Pike..... Mike
  22. Here is a link to a good online article about blondes written by Joe Cornwall, an outddor writer here in Ohio and a member of this forum, his nickname here is Cornmuse..... www.flyfishohio.com/Joe_Brooks_Blondes_fly-history.htm Mike If the link doesn't work, just cut/paste it to your browser
  23. Welcome Aboard! Mike :headbang:
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