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Fly Tying


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About flyfishermanj

  • Rank
    Bait Fisherman
  • Birthday 10/13/1973

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    SW Pa
  1. Nice indeed! Looks like a good pattern to try on lake-run browns in a few weeks. Where did you find the mudnight fire @ thought, who makes it? JH
  2. Guys and Gals, I have a good friend going to fish the Bighorn River in Montana in November this year. I'm am in the process of putting together a fly box for him and would like to get a couple ideas for what patterns I should tie. Any help is appreciated. JH
  3. That sounds pretty close, don't remember any hair and it did have golden pheasant tippets in the tail. Thanks for the info. JH
  4. Guys and Gals, It's been a few years now, but the last time I fished the Salmon/Brown trout run in New York, a gentleman gave me and a buddy a fly that absolutely caught the lake-run browns. I lost mine later that day and my buddy kept his, but has lost it since. What I can remember is that it was a wetfly in the size range of 14 or 16, had golden pheasant tips as a tail and a wing. We were fishing in the Olcott area and the guy said this was the go-to pattern that time of year. Any help would be appreciated. JH
  5. Over the years I have received several boxes materials from friends who don't tie and some who do. Looking through these boxes I came across a 100 pack of Mustad 37187 in a size 4. Has anyone used this style hook for tying purposes? As a side note I am tying some articulated streamers for a swap, but I'm a little weary to use them as the back hook.
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