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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by smalliestalker

  1. thanks for checking them out......ChuckingFluff......those subbugs are cool....they look almost like a diver...I'm definetly going to make some of those.....thanks for sharing......
  2. zoo cougars are an amazing fly for both warm and cold water......originally designed by Kelly Galloup to catch big browns, this fly is awesome for all predatory fish. If you aren't using them, you are missing out......This was my morning tying before work today....enjoy
  3. Deeky....you make some beautiful flies.....
  4. I wrap it with the hide still attached....makes for a more solid fly
  5. spent my morning making bunny leeches...a necessity for bass fishng......still so far away...hmmmmmmm.....ohhhhh and a frog pattern.....bad photo though
  6. hello.....welcome to the forum....lot's of info available here...some of the best tyers around are on this site....I'm going to Maine this summer.....portland area.....looking forward to the trip
  7. I use a 9ft 6 weight, if it's windy I use a 9ft 8 wt.....a lot of the time when I'm going for just panfish I actually use a 4 wt.....caught plenty of bass on that as well....if you use a little heavier fly line on your 6 wt, and a shorter more stout leader, you can turn over big deer hair bugs with no problem....
  8. i'm cool with waiting a few days.....I'd rather have a complete set......
  9. very nice i'll be adding those to my smallie box this spring
  10. the trailor looked cool....but I don't think the movie is actually out yet...it has a pre-order form on the web site.....
  11. When fishing smallmouth....75% of the time it's a big streamer of some sort, 15% of the time crayfish imitation, 10% surface like a diver.....Largemouth/pickerel....80% of the time surface with a deer hair bass bug...20% of the time subsurface streamers...favorite is zoo cougar patterns....Walleye....100% streamers and leech patterns.....Trout.....80% dries...20% streamers....I hate nymphing.....I never do it.....
  12. I agree dead-on with Hairstacker...I tie a ton of Clousers.....It's the thread that I use...6/0 is good for small flies....where you don't have to compress a lot of hair....
  13. thanks....whatever you need easternfly.....let me know what you're interested in....I'll send along any info I can to help....pm me...it's easier to keep track of
  14. it'll dive....when i make mine...i like to tie in a bigger collar....i stack the tips of the hair even and tie a huge collar as if tying a zoo cougar, then tie in more hair for the trimmed part of the collar.....just a personnal preference.....you have the shape down though....
  15. yeah man....looks like you're on the right path to me.....looking good
  16. going in the mail today.....materials list included on all tags...can't wait to see everyone's flies
  17. Ladies and gentlemen...I present to you.......my royal brim killer....all done...addy please
  18. love tying streamers and big deer hair bass bugs......hate tying dry flies...although.....when I do go trout fishing....90% of the time it's with a dry...go figure....
  19. that looks like it would be killer.....I need the info...recipe please......
  20. sunfish swimmin jimmy......for those that don't have perch......articulated....stacked deer hair and marabou.......hopefully a bass killer....still needs a little fine tuning.....
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