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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by smalliestalker

  1. thanks for checking them out......i'll post some others I just finished in a day or two....thanks again everyone for the positive feedback.....
  2. very nice...top water bass action can't be beat....
  3. well....I do like catching panfish.....and I am a wimp in the winter and try not to play outside....I am participating in the other bluegill swap....but what's better then 1 swap....2 I guess.....I'm in....I'll make a Dredgebug......
  4. wapsi makes some affordable starter kits....
  5. working on some examples of what I may tie at the expo....
  6. ok.....2nd row....2nd fly...this is one of Kelly Galloup's creations.....Swimmin Jimmy...1st hook(head) 1/0.....stacked deer hair, olive/white....bend hook 30 degrees down.....trim head so it lays sideways like an injured baitfish.....olive marabou, white marabou and a little peach in the middle.....second hook...size 6.....olive and white marabou...I attach the hooks with wire with 3 red glass beads in between...I hope you guys can follow this...I'm sure my explanation sounds ridiculous.... the 2nd row, 3rd group bottom....that is a clouser foxee redd minnow.....size 6 hook.....lead eyes, gold flash.....cream coloered red fox tail, black tipped red fox hair.... most of the other flies are variations on clouser minnows...I use saddle hackle on the tails of all my clousers along with bucktail...I like the movement and the bulk.....glad you all enjoyed them....
  7. I decided on a Royal Brim Killer for my fly
  8. let mw know which ones you like...I'll tell you the recipe
  9. I'm in...give me a couple of days to figure out what I'm going to make.....
  10. nice fly....i'm going for muskie this spring for the first time......the material used....trimmed spun deer hair.....marabou?......is it weighted?
  11. I have a pretty good combination of both. I think the better we become as tyers, the more we know our home waters, the more experimental we become with patterns. I have a base of patterns that are traditional, then I have my takes on those that I have experimented with.....different colors, different materials...etc....I think it's a natural progression to want to create our own.....
  12. welcome...there's a ton of great warmwater tyers on here....enjoy
  13. hahaha....i'll trade you for a trout box....I hate tying dries
  14. a little injured perch imitation swimmin jimmy style....no weight....articulated.....1/0 hook in front....6 in back.....3 red glass beads in between.....
  15. you have deer belly and marabou....you can make muddlers......natural bucktail and some feathers could make you half and halfs...which are a baitfish imitation.....rabbit strips can make you leeches....also muddlers with the rabbit as a tail.....peacock herl makes great body material for buggers with marabou as a tail....dude....use your imagination....you could make a ton of stuff.....good luck
  16. here's the start.....building my collection for spring warmwater.....some of my favorite subsurface patterns....haven't tied surface yet...give me a week or two...they will be in process.....deer hair poppers, divers, and other assorted madness will be done...enjoy...sorry my photography skills suck....
  17. so I bought a spare spool for my 8 weight....now it's time to fill it with a fast sinking line.....need to get down to suspended smallies in lakes, pike and muskie summertime...10-20 ft......so any recommendations?.......i don't want to sound cheap, but something less the $100.00 would be nice.....
  18. the same gnomes that steal one sock from a pair out of the dryer....they make flies real cheap....little bastards.....
  19. very nice pike....I just found places close to me that have a large population of pike and muskie in the 30 inch plus range...can't wait until spring.....
  20. nice looking diver.....I have been working on my smallmouth box for the spring as well....good times.....
  21. If I'm putting hologram stick on eyes on, a little dab of super glue then I coat the head with epoxy.....dries clear....then coat with clear nail polish and it makes it glossy.....I mainly paint my deceiver or streamer eyes on though....then use the same process with epoxy....
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