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About P.Dieter

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  1. After far less than exhaustive hot tub research I have concluded that a rabbit strip leech cannot be surpassed. When built on a game changer platform, the fly is just too bulky to be representative of a leech, which happily is exactly what the game changer platform is designed to do so although tied on a 20 mm shank and a trailing hook, what I’ve settled on as much more of an articulated leach. I put a small dubbing loop in the middle to try and achieve a more double taper look. The first video is of the rabbit strip leach and the second video is of the game changer version. I don’t tie many leeches and haven’t tied any in many years so I had to revisit the patterns to come up with something that fits my current interests. I have an extended ski trip coming up at the end of the month so I need to get these flies done early. Happy new year. IMG_0273.mov IMG_0269.mov
  2. I’m coming up with a different pattern, I’m immersed in game changers right now and I’ll tie something on that platform
  3. Time for me to swap. would an egg sucking leach be outside expectations?
  4. Sheet metal glued to sides and magnetic tape on the boxes hold them in place
  5. vac in sound deadened box hooked to pvc conduit to a port under pedestal
  6. ooooo, I love that kind of fishing, nice suggestion.
  7. thanks for the pointers everyone. sounds like quite the spot and it might well be my only visit in this lifetime. I'll probably remain my frugal self and go it without guide but at least you've started me on my path Wondering if I'll even be able to go outside in mid august being such an wimp from the upper left corner. 85º around here and we wilt. Been 32 years since I spent a summer month in OKC.
  8. I don't think traveling 2hrs is going to fit this trip, when I'm already lodging next to a body of water, but it's good to hear about fishing in the general area for future trips or for the dear daughter to maybe explore. I don't know if the hatchery post is a joke or not, if not please don't be offended Blane but hatchery trout to a north western fly fisher is...I don't know the right words so let's just go with "not a high priority". Small mouth would be a high priority, large mouth are fine. What's the deal with Table Rock Lake? Obviously I need to rent a boat and the folks there could probably point me to some spots but I always like to quiz my brethren of the fly.
  9. My Daughter has chosen Cottey College in Nevada, MO; so I've got trips to the area on my radar. First up is the 3rd week in Aug when we drop her off. Dear wife has come across Big Cedar Lodge in the Branson area and a quick look was all I needed to agree to spending a few days there before dropping off the kid. I've seen a couple threads in the archives about the area but thought I'd start up my own thread asking for info/suggestions. Trout fishing is fine but I get plenty of that at home in the Pac NW, I likes me some bass/warm water fishing. When in Rome sort of thing What should I consider doing? Try some of the bigger lakes or seek out some smaller water? I guess I can pop for some boat rental time but maybe that's not necessary I really have no clue but I'm game for anything.
  10. I have one of those swimbaits....no way am I every tying it on the end of my line. sitting on display only, sorry Kirk.
  11. These are for the annual club auction/raffle.
  12. Dart's been doing it....as I'm sure others as well http://www.flytyingforum.com/pattern6712.html
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