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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by thenextlevel

  1. I have been scouring the internet for either some good pictures or tying instructions for either of these flies. It looks like a relatively easy pattern to tie, but I would really like some close up pics or maybe even some instructions. My jedi google skills have turned up nothing. Anybody here have anything on them? Easterntrophies.com has them for sale but the pics are to small for me to get anything from. Thanks in advance!

  2. I started fly fishing and tying when I was ten years old. I remember being in our local fly shop and over hearing the owner and my father talking about how most kids forget about fly fishing when they turn 16 and get a drivers license and girlfriends. Funny how that was right, 11 years later I am 27 and have rediscovered my passion for fly fishing and fly tying. So I decided to dig out all of my tying materials and give it a go at some Woolly Buggers. Even when I was tying a dozen flies a day I was never more than a beginner, so I am sure after my ten year hiatus I haven't gotten any better. Anyways, for your viewing pleasure....



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