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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by RoaringForkFisher

  1. thanks so much for the suggestions and all the help, i got the book by craven and it's really helpful so far
  2. how does the anvil apex compare, does it have true rotary?
  3. Hey just was wondering what you guys think is a better deal and better quality? Danvise vs odyssey spider?
  4. what colors do i get each of these items in i have no clue haha? also what store should i be buying this off of, because i'm looking through js fly fishing is that a good store to get materials from? and what type of hook and the size?
  5. so i decided on the danvise and also the dr slick tools package, now i'm just wondering what materials i should order with it for trout flies?
  6. sounds great, can't wait to tie a pheasant tail, oh and one last question, can you still tie good flies on just a super AA from js fly fishing? is it just harder?
  7. lets see types of flies i want to tie, well i will mainly be trout fishing and a little bit of fishing on lakes, so what patterns would that be?
  8. yeah that looks like a great vise, not too expensive either, i think thats what i'm going to do paired with dr slicks package, awesome thanks for all the help deciding
  9. or what is the difference between lower costing vises and high end vises?
  10. so would the danvise be an alright vise with the dr slick tool kit?
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/HUGE-LOT-FLY-TYING-KIT...#ht_2687wt_1165? how about that?
  12. how much would you suggest a good set up to cost?
  13. http://cgi.ebay.com/COBRA-Fly-Tying-Vise_W...5#ht_500wt_1182?
  14. what about this one http://denver.craigslist.org/spo/1685997907.html?
  15. thanks for the tips with looking for used sets, how does this look i mean it seems like everything i need but it doesn't look like there is any tools just a vise? http://denver.craigslist.org/spo/1690272732.html
  16. i love that idea NJFlyMAn sadly i don't have a Barnes & Noble book store near by, but i bet maybe one of the local bookstores will have it since i live in a popular fly fishing location
  17. thanks for the book recommendations i will look into them, and i have an 8 1/2 feet 5 weight rod
  18. yeah i think i'm feeling good about the danvise and the dr slick tool set from js fly fishings, looks good, and for patterns i'm not really sure, what do you suggest for river trout fishing, and freshwater lake fishing for various fish?
  19. hey utyer do you think that griffin vise is a better deal then the danvise http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  20. just looked at js fly fishing and i think i will buy from them since they are cheaper
  21. so this vise http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true which is a danvise and i think i found the same set of dr slick tools i don't know check it out http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true do you think that is good enough to start+ some materials and hooks?
  22. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true how about this vise?
  23. the 150$ is just for tools and is flexible
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