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Fly Tying

spey guy

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About spey guy

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  • Birthday 05/24/1990

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  • Location
    United States
  1. Great replies everyone! thank you all for your help
  2. Hey everyone yesterday i was organizing my fly tying bench and i found a small insect crawling in one of my bucktails. i figure where there is one, there are bound to be more. i don't want to throw them away because they cost money, but i do want to resolve this problem. what should i do about it? how should i clean my hairs and feathers properly? any help would be greatly appreciated thanks a million, Luke
  3. thanks for the advice guys ill certainly look at some famous patterns best, speyguy40
  4. hello everyone! my name is speyguy40 and i have been tying flies for about a year now. i have become quite good at what i tie. i mainly do trout flies, but have taken in interest in steelhead. i plan to tie some spey flies but i dont know what essential materials are necessary. if you could help me with this, i would really appreciate it thanks in advance, speyguy40
  5. hello everyone! my name is speyguy40 and i have been tying flies for about a year now. i have become quite good at what i tie. i mainly do trout flies, but have taken in interest in steelhead. i plan to tie some spey flies but i dont know what essential materials are necessary. if you could help me with this, i would really appreciate it thanks in advance, speyguy40
  6. hey everyone, my name is speyguy40 and i have been tying for a year now. i mainly do trout flies, but i have recently taken an interest in bass fishing. so naturally i am hoping to tie some bass flies. problem is, i don't know many of the good patterns other than poppers. if someone could help me chose the most necessary materials and patterns that would be great! thanks in advance, speyguy40
  7. thanks Henry! i used it the other day and caught some smallmouth bass i hope you can tie some and have success Luke D.
  8. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by speyguy40: White Spoted Minnow
  9. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by speyguy40: speckled shrimp
  10. thanks everyone! your information really helped me
  11. hi everyone! i was just wondering if anyone can tell me how to tie a basic egg pattern thank you in advance, Spey guy
  12. browns are great. they make an excellent meal
  13. thanks Taylor and i have not considered a scud hook before reason being i generally tie dry flies. but that might be a better idea for these kinds of flies. ill try them out some time thanks again Luke
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