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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by flyguys

  1. I have been tying for a couple years now but finally retiring from the Air Force and moving back to my home town of Springfield Ohio. Not many rivers or streams so i want to learn how to make my own wooden crankbaits and was wondering if im looking at way to much work. There is alot of ponds around there with really nice bass and i cant afford to miss them. With me making all my own flies i want to make my own lures too. If someone has some experience in this please help i dont know where to begin materials, tools, ect thanks in advance.
  2. This is my first attempt at a poll so please forgive me. Reason for this poll is because i hear all kinds of people saying support your local shop but for people like me there is no local shop. I have to buy my materials online to get quality Wapsi or Hareline materials. I recently found that supplier on Ebay and he is going to be my supplier from now on so this is my only way of supporting a shop. Well thank for participating. I dont want to advertise so if you want to see the shops ebay page follow my sigs link. Have fun and happy tying.
  3. My first try tying a nymph as my normal fly is a bass fly but thi is what im sending in to the contest maybe add a little more detail sorry for pic hard to get when they are small.
  4. found this pattern on a spey pattern site said it was something called a Alaskabou like i said this would not be my normal type of fly but that what he challenged me to do. I tie alot of patterns for fun and like experimenting so if anyone has any flies that are pretty let me know. Anything pretty i like to have fun with lol.
  5. i only use one or two strands and i tie in about an eyelenght back the meaty part of the herl then wrap the tip will break off easy as pie
  6. I ue a Peak true rotary the best 169.00 i ever spent
  7. I got some rabbit strips from a guy that has an ebay store check my topic on online materials he carries zonker strips, deer hair, Bucktail, all kind of stuff for some of the cheapest prices ive seen he dont have alot but what he has is good quality. check him out stores.ebay.com/miamivalleytackle
  8. no im just on my laptop and my S button only works when it wants to sorry about that
  9. Well someone on another forum challenged me to a swap the category was spey flies tie two of our choice. He is a friend and knows i dont tie these very often but heres what i tied up tonight to send him. Comments and feedback please.
  10. I went up to my sons room. He is 12 years old and earlier in this season he took an iterest in tying flies with the old man as he calls me lol. Anyways i walk into the room and hes on his thompson i bought him. I stood over top of him watching for a min. just admiring skills i did not pocess at that age he had made hist first quality wooly bugger. Now i guess it time for him to make me a box of them. I took a pic included. Am i the only crazy that is extremely proud or does anybody else out there have pics of thier kids first good fly bc i would love to see them heres my boys. Once again i think he made me proud.
  11. You can also get a griffin rotary vise ( a decent vise was my first) you can get them from numerous ebay and regular dealer for under 90 dollar and its a fully rotating vise
  12. thank you still trying to work out the amount of material to use lol i have seen less i better though on this fly whats the best color for this pattern i did this in charteuse and white
  13. Here is my first attempt with EP fiber contuctive critism welcome anything i can do to improve this pattern
  14. I am going to kentucky lake this weekeend and was wondering if anybody knows any effective pattern there bc i have never been. I am not much of a stillwater fiher so any help would be appreciated
  15. I recently bought ome flies off the internet because i didnt have time to tie because of an imprompto fishing trip and I got to tell i was worried about the quality because i found them on Ebay. Im not sure if this is a bored retired tier or what but the quality wa quite impressive. I have heard so many terrible things about the quality of flies bought online but im not sure i can agree on that after his experience. I put his webite in my sig and was wondering if anybody else has bought from him or online at all and how they feel about this matter. He also was selling material cheap (excess and surplus maybe a dealer not sure) Well any feedback from you guys would be appreciated.
  16. I just recently bought a peak rotary vise and i will never buy another brand again
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