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Posts posted by flysmallie
I fish mostly bass too. And out of all the 7 & 8's I've fished I like the Redington Predator the best. It's the best flyrod I've ever used. It's the 7'11" version. May not fit everyone's style but it's perfect for mine.
Massive taco feast at my parents on Christmas eve.
Just looks like something else that's going to get hung on things and ultimately break.
I have some RR cutters and they do work great but I make a lot of templates too.
I see very little benefit from one vice to another. Maybe if you are a production tier but other than that it's just money spent. I have a different Griffin with the same jaws. Would I like to have a prettier vice? Sure, but the griffin does exactly what I need it to do so why change.
I was looking for a new 8wt last year and was close to buying a BVK, very nice rod. Liked it much better than the TICR-X 7wt that I sold because it just never felt right. The BVD I'm not sure, but TFO makes a great rod with exception customer service. I ended up with something else but I wouldn't hesitate to own another TFO.
CCG (or equivalent) or epoxy. Works great every time.
Hello back from Missouri.
Good luck, be genuine and have fun.
I've never given a tying demonstration but being the training manager for a large company puts me in front of a lot of people. I don't care if I make a mistake because if you handle it properly it lightens the mood and when everyone is comfortable things go a lot smoother.
I would refrain from ever telling a joke. If it bombs or you bomb the joke then it just screws up your confidence, you get side tracked and things start to go downhill. It's not fun to struggle in front of a crowd.
Missouri (home)
Bucket list would be Alaska and Canada.
I fish for smallmouth bass and everybody knows they will come out of the water with headshaking acrobatic moves, so since we are on the subject should I be pinching the barbs down on my flies? Im always afraid I will lose a good fish. Been fly fishing for about 6 years now and have never hooked my self yet. Been close a few times and I know its probably coming.I fish barbless for smallmouth all the time. I wouldn't say that I lose anymore fish than I did when I fish barbed hooks. But it also doesn't upset me when I do lose a fish. Barbless does make it easier to remove the hook from the fish or a fishing buddy.
I usually smash the barb in the vise. And after hundreds and hundreds of hooks it shows no sign of wear.
You post some damn nice photos.
NEVER post anything you don't want to give away.That goes for anywhere on the internet. Facebook, Instagram, Blogs, Forums, etc.
Lightroom is the best. Gimp is great but again it has a lot of stuff you don't need. But it is free. Yet I still prefer LR.
Beautiful. However this is not helping the rod building bug that is eating away at me.
deer hair grab bag!Been there done that. You will learn to recognize and appreciate quality hair.
To get that compact look you have to spin/stack a lot of hair and pack it tight. Make sure you have good quality hair and you clean all the fuzz out. Then make sure you use small clumps. A bunch of small clumps is better that one big one. I have put 28 small clumps on one fly. Then make sure you pack it tight. Use a packer or get really good at packing with your fingers.
I keep a piece of a rubber tire tube over the tube on my bobbin. When I'm ready to tie off I just slide it up the thread and over the hook eye. It will hold all those stray hairs back away from the eye. Still a little tricky to pull it back with one hand while trying to perform a one handed whip finish but it get's easier after a few.
Love clousers. Catch fish anywhere.
I tie mine in like flytire. I don't like cut or pitched tips.
But instead of lashing it down with thread I just twist the tag end and wrap it forward as dubbing. Makes a nice looking fly and uses up most of the material.
I've used a lot of different motors before finally settling for a bbq rotisserie motor. They are made to run for long periods of time. I have forgot and left one all night with no problems. Some are a little noisy though.
I also make use of the natural colored hair from the back of a deer tail. IMO, it's an often over-looked tying material.
I agree.
I like them black with a little splash of color.
Anyone polish their vise?
in The Fly Tying Bench
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It's not going to hurt it if you want to polish it. The glare might be a problem but if you want it shiney then there is nothing stopping you.