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Fly Tying


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About TheYiman

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    Advanced Member

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    currently - Smallmouth
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    All over > Nashville, TN
  1. Thanks for posting the note. Nice. I hope they landed some fish. Did you hear how the fishing went?
  2. I have worked with World Cast Anglers a few times in the Jackson area. They were a good group of guys and I enjoyed my experiences with them. I would call them. But in reality you shouldn't have trouble finding a good guide in that region - just contact one of the reputable shops and they should be able to hook you up.
  3. Nice report! Great looking fish. Those baby sawfish are too cool!!! What do you get them on? That part of FL has been on my list a long time. I fish the Keys (relatively) often, but haven't fished there. I need to.
  4. Thanks y'all. Capt Bob, the fly was basically a fire tiger colored Hangtime. It is fly designed by Brad Bohen aka the musky on the fly guy of Musky Country Outfitters. I think there is a tutorial on it on this site. I also like your idea of the soft plastic. I have been wanting to put a few of those in my box two. They can get such great action. I'll look into the ones you mentioned. Edit - here is the link http://hatchesmagazine.com/blogs/Hatches/2012/02/08/hangtime-optic-minnow-by-brad-bohen/
  5. I don't post much on this board, except I actively swap in a bunch of the swaps over on that page. I thought I would post this here as well, because I landed this fish on a fly I got in a Musky swap on here about a year and half ago. Credit goes to bertgwen for the fly. In August of 2008, I made the journey from Utah to North Carolina to fish with my old trout bum friend, Owen. This trip changed the focus of my angling passion. He guides for a outfitter in Boone and had started fish for two new species of fish. After an obligatory first day of trout fishing one of our old haunts, we set out on a two day float of a nearby river to target Smallmouth and Musky. We had a great trip and stuck many Smallies. Some of you know, I am a Smallmouth junkie these days from my previous swaps. My Smallmouth habit was formed on this trip as well. But, there was one moment that hooked me on Muskies for good. We got to a deep flat and Owen handed me a big spinning rod with a huge bucktail spinner on it. He said we were switching to Muskies and for me to try it out. About a half hour later, just as I was starting to wonder why we had stopped catching Smallmouth to wear ourselves out throwing these giant lures, two huge Muskies appeared side-by-side right behind my spinner. I nearly jumped out of the bow at the sight of these mean freshwater fish making a bee-line towards my lure. Needless to say, rookie me did not make the smooth transition into a figure 8 that may have sealed the deal, but from that moment on, I was a Musky hunter. Since then, I have chased these fish all over the South and made 2 trips to the Upper Peninsula. I have logged my casts and had many follows. I have messed up the take and missed plenty. I have spent a lot of money in fly shops, tackle shops, Rollie and Helen's, gas, motels, restaurants, and bars all in the name of these amazing fish. Yesterday, with my friend Eric, I finally put a Musky in the boat!!! We met at dawn on a Plateau river boat ramp to hunt for the day. Ran upstream a few miles and fished our way back down. Just above a big deep hole, I got a hot follow from a nice fish. It stayed with the fly through a couple figure eights and fell off. I slapped the fish on the head with the fly and it started following again. It fell off the fly again. I thought it was done. Eric said, "he turned under the boat, get your fly back out there!" I slapped the water hard again, and the fish rocketed out from under the boat and swallowed the fly. One moment the fly was in front of its nose, the next, it just disappeared. I strip-set and felt the weight. Eric said, "hit him again!" I hit it twice more and the fight was on. I put the fish on the reel and kept the battle tight to the boat. A few tense moments later, a 39" Tennessee Muskellunge was in the net! The fly was right in the corner of its mouth and popped right out. We took some pictures and put the fish back in the water to revive it. A couple minutes later, the fish started bucking and let us know it was ready to go. We had good action throughout the day. About twenty minutes later Eric had another nice Musky hit his fly after a couple merry-go-rounds boatside. We don't know what happened. The fish inhaled the fly, closed it mouth, Eric set the hook, but the fish was gone. Heartbreaker! After lunch, both are arms were killing us, so we broke out some spinning tackle. I had three good follows using a Super Shad Rap, but did not get the fish to hit any of those. One of these was an absolute giant! Onto some pictures... River X Alright, we've gone far enough, time to fish! I know I have a ridiculously cheesy, shit-eating grin, but I guess I couldn't help it! 39" TN Musky Let em go Indian Summer Headed home I can't wait to get back out and start hunting for the next one. I like to think of Musky fishing as the big game hunting of the freshwater angling experience. You put in a lot of time, research, and effort for a few glorious moments. I hope you enjoyed my post. Thanks for reading! Tight lines, JR
  6. Sorry to be a straggler, mine are done. Address please. These pink bombers will catch fish. I'll post a pic later. CFR Bomber
  7. Glad to hear they made it. I was starting to get concerned. Fish 'em, that's what they are for. They'll take a beating and probably land some good fish too!
  8. I think Piker20 and Margeretann are the only two that I haven't heard from. Let me know when you get your bugs. I just want to make sure everyone gets their flies to enjoy. Great swap, y'all!
  9. Everyone's are in the mail! Y'all should see them sometime next week. Thanks to everyone for participating; this was a great success. Piker20 - yours may take a little longer, but they will get there!
  10. This swap turned out great! Lots of cool topwater to try out and different variations of flies too. Everyone's packages are put together and ready to go. I will take them to the Post Office tomorrow afternoon. Here are the pictures - Riffleriversteelheadslayer C Teeter Crackleback Margeretann Flies and photos Troutguy Bruce Derington Piker20 TheYiman Radtz
  11. Cool, one extra of someone else's fly it is. I will get these in the mail tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll get some pictures up tonight.
  12. I just back from a short vacation. The last two boxes were in my mailbox. Everybody's flies look GREAT!!! These are sure to catch some fish. Question - when I originally set up the swap, I asked for 10 flies and each person would get one of their own back. I now have thought about just giving everyone a random one from someone else and that way no one gets one of their own back and ends up with two of one of the pattern. How does that sound? Give me a day or two to get all these sorted and some replies to my question and these will be back in the mail to everyone. Thanks to all that participated! I will post some pictures soon.
  13. You're welcome. I'll be looking for them. With the holiday weekend, I hope to get everyone's boxes in the mail next week. I am still waiting on three folks, but I think these should get here soon. Thanks to everyone for being part of this swap!
  14. Flies and photos - yours arrived today. I like the colors. crackleback - yours arrived today also. That is the biggest Altoids box I have ever seen. Thanks for the extra. Looks good!
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