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Fly Tying

Redneck Fly

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Everything posted by Redneck Fly

  1. im in with the Quill Gordon Cahill thanks
  2. Hey Rich can I get the addy I'm going to the post office tomorrow and would like to get the envelope and postage all taken care of in one shoot. That's if you will have me in your swap. Thanks man! :headbang:
  3. I'm in i'll give you a pattern a little later. hey just want to say man i got some of you phasent tail fly's from the swap, NICE FLYS man.. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
  4. where the heck are my flies it's going on 3 week now?????? you should have them by now???
  5. been a week and a half my fly's are not yet in??? i mailed them out on the 02-12-11
  6. flys are in the mail I'm looking forward to seeing what everone has tyied thanks this swap was fun
  7. wow i would have framed these puppies nice fly's
  8. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: wow nice pattern I'm going to go home after work and try this one great tie as always man
  9. Know kidding i thought i really messed this one up i was not happy with my fly pattern but man thanks i was sweeting this one. this one i realy want another shot at we need to do this one agine
  10. I would love to be involved in something like this so if there is something i can help out with let me no the only thing is the pattern if its a pattern i can't do then i might not be able to pull off the due date in a timely matter I'm still pretty much new at fly tying and i haven't done the hair staking or the poppers and the foam fly's. Coming from a military family and have served my self I'm always up to helping my brothers and sisters out. Thanks great post man
  11. man perfect i dig that one with the hole business card. good idea Thanks
  12. I'll be tying The Partridge and Orange pattern
  13. Hey guys how in the world are you guys tagging these fly's. I'm using label stickers and hole punching the center sticking the hook in the center and flooding the label so it sticks together its a huge pain in the rear. I would like to know if there is a better way because this is the only thing I dread about doing the swap.
  14. I'm in ill give you a pattern tomarrow I just need to be sure your not in canada my post office is making it realy hard to give a return envolope with postage by the way ill start a new topic but what the heck are you guys using for toe tags im using labble stickers and it is a huge pain in the butt
  15. in the mail i have the tracking number if you need it. thanks looking forward to seeing every ones fly's
  16. in the mail i have the tracking number if you need it. thanks looking forward to seeing every ones fly's
  17. sent out the paid envelope today sorry about that its all done now
  18. in the mail i have the tracking number if you need it. thanks looking forward to seeing every ones fly's
  19. in the mail i have the tracking number if you need it. thanks looking forward to seeing every ones fly's
  20. in the mail i have the tracking number if you need it. thanks looking forward to seeing every ones fly's
  21. Im in with the - #2 - Olive Hairwing Dun Hook:Standard dry fly, sizes 12 - 20 Thread: Olive 6/0 or 8/0 Tails: Blue dun hackle fibers, split Body: Olive fur or synthetics Hackle: Blue Dun Wing: Gray dyed yearling elk or coastal deer hair
  22. Thanks guys for the help i will defenitly try it out for wing material and some dubbing but the wing material sounds really cool to try
  23. Hey guys just bought some rabbit feet from bass Pro Shop i got several colors there where on sale and it seemed they were tying to just get ride of them they were really cheap. so i bought several of them and it came to me on my drive home what the hell do i do with them i have no clue how to use them. If you have any idea please let me know. Thanks Redneck Fly rabbit_feet.bmp
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