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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by wolfi2de

  1. Steelhead fly fishing trip 2014 part one, with nymphs and dries for steelhead A Story in four parts about my fly fishing trip for steelhead fishing in British Columbia. It was my 39th trip, but the first one without customer, friends or anybody else. Read more: http://www.w-fabisch.com/fly-fishing-steelhead-2014-part1.html
  2. Not too bad Copper Steelhead Have fun, Wolfgang
  3. Vancouver Island Steelhead Have fun, Wolfgang
  4. Thanks guys, I wish you a good season 2015
  5. How to tie a real good Buck Caddis in eight steps. http://www.w-fabisch.com/buck_caddis.html Have fun, Wolfgang
  6. The Universal Mayfly Nymph will help you in many different situations.. http://www.w-fabisch.com/universal_mayfly_nymph.html Have fun, Wolfgang
  7. An easy way to tie Scud´s. Fly tying with Wolfgang Fabisch http://www.w-fabisch.com/scud.html All the best Wolfgang Fabisch
  8. Hi, here is a simple way to tie a well working nymph: The gold bead Red Tag. 1. Ad a bead to your hook 2. Double the lead over the front half of your first layer 3. Apply a little superglue on the hook shank. 4. Push the lead into the beads hole 5. Wind on your tying thread 6. Your choice of tail material 7. Tie in some red unspun multifilament thread 8. Clip the part pointing to the eye closely and tie down tight 9. Cut the tail to the right length 10. Tie in two to three strands of peacock herl 11. Wrap them towards the bead 12. Tie them down leaving a bit of space to the bead 13. Tie in a brown hackle where you tied down the herl 14. Wind your hackle to the bead 15. If you use a white Dyneema as I do, color your thread to your liking 16. Whipfinish 17. Done. If you use a grizzly hackle instead of a brown one, you get a version called "Hexe" in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. "Hexe" means witch - this may give you some indication as to its efficacy. Enjoy tying and fishing, Wolfgang
  9. Step by step to an easy way of Parachute fly tying with Wolfgang Fabisch. Parachute flies Here's an easy instruction for tying parachute flies. The main problem is usually tying down the hackle and making a proper whip - finish. I'll show you an easy solution allowing you to finish your fly in seconds without tying down your hackle fibers, and it costs no extra money! http://www.w-fabisch.com/parachutes.html All the best Wolfgang Fabisch
  10. Hi@all, please have a look at my tying parts at my homepage. Fly Tying New and easy navigation from page to page. All the best Wolfgang Fabisch
  11. Hello @all, @flyderaght: Haven´t work with Rodney. @FlyFishinJam: Had a wholesale in flyfishing stuff in BC running till last year.. Had to cancel it after my second heart attack. Book flights and cars and motels for my customers and friends. Do not work at a fishing guide. Bring a lot of money with this guy´s to BC. Good??? Here a few other patterns: Pheasant Tail Buck Caddis Universal Mayfly Nymph Have fun Wolfgang
  12. At first thank´s a lot for the positive replay. @poksal: The thread I sell and use is a 12/0 Dyneema. Anyhow it is easy to split, and so you work with a very thin diameter ( very important for small hook size ). Next, if you use a Nor-Vise, as I do, it is the only one good working way to split the thread and ad any material into it. All the best, Wolfgang Fabisch
  13. Hello, I started with a friend to translate my german tying instructions into english. Now my question: Is the translation good enough? Please let me know your opinion. Thanks a lot in advance, Wolfgang Scuds Dendif The Dendif
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