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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by iFly

  1. Somebody's jealous it sounds like. I get what he's trying to convey and I personally see way too many people hold fish out of water for way too long for the perfect picture (just a quick example), but he went to a great extent to call out a specific person and even look at online records for the tickets.
  2. Thanks for the input y'all. Mike, no worries at all. I expected to hear that at some point. I know its not the traditional thought behind fly fishing but mainly just wanting to catch a bull red on fly. I can consistently catch them with a spinning rod and bait or artificials in a couple spots but want to try it with a fly rod by drifting with the current and dragging a fly by them.
  3. Interested in trying this technique although it is new to me. I've looked at many different lines and I am looking to find a good full sinking line. My target depth is going to be roughly 15-25 feet deep at most. I'm wondering if anybody has experience with this and could offer any help. I've looked at SA Sonar, Airflo sixth sense sinking, Orvis Depth Charge, and Rio mainstream Type 6 or 7. I will be using a 9wt and majority of the use will likely be in saltwater. One of the biggest unknowns to me is whether or not I want a "uniform" sink line where the whole line sinks at the same rate or if I want something such as the SA Sonar Sink 3/5/7. I understanding the casting may be very different but my intended use is more important to stay on the bottom than casting it far. Thanks for any help
  4. Nice fish and fly. Where in the lowcountry are you?
  5. Thanks y'all for all the input! Really appreciate it, it's like starting all over again and I have tons of questions that I'm sure ill figure out over time
  6. This year ill be going to school at Clemson; it's about a 45-60 min drive to mountains and streams that hold trout. Now, here's the problem. I mainly fish saltwater and this will be my first trout fishing-atleast on my own so I need to start making the switch over to trout fishing instead of salt for redfish. Needless to say the flies are a "little" bit smaller and different. So I've been told I need to be tying some parachute Adams...here's the question, does the post/wing part that sticks up matter what color it is? I've watched some tying videos and calf tail seems to be a material to use for this along with some others. I only have chartreuse calf tail, if I make the post out of this instead of say, white, will it make a difference?
  7. Got a good looking set of flies a few days ago; too bad I wont be tarpon fishing anytime soon...
  8. Thanks for letting me know atx. Ill admit the deer hair job was not the best I've done. The patch I got didnt want to flare when tightened at all. Don't know what the deal was. But it'll get the job done either way. And no I didn't get to fish down there. I wish I could have but we were constantly moving around and had a full schedule...oh well. Ill be back to fish one day that's for sure. And thanks for hosting atx
  9. Thanks, and sorry for not being in touch. I was down in Costa Rica for over a week and just got back a couple days ago. Been catching up on work and other things.
  10. The box came back to me in the mail today...will get them out for good tomorrow. Recipe: Tail: black craft fur Body: black laser dub Collar: black spun deer hair (stuff was a pain, mine would not flare) Eyes: mono eyes from spirit river
  11. @agn- sorry for the delayed response. Theyre mono eyes by Spirit River in size large I believe
  12. Not a tarpon bunny but how about this?
  13. Idk about drag but I have the orvis Mirage and love it. Mine is for 7-9wt but I've heard plenty of good stuff about them all around whether people have used it for tarpon to sailfish.
  14. What hooks are y'all using? I'm thinking either a SL12S or SC15 in 2/0 or 3/0. And put me down for a tarpon bunny
  15. Flies came in several days ago. Great looking flies everyone. Ill be heading out this afternoon unless the summertime afternoon thunder storms have other plans. Thanks to everyone and a special thanks to atx hosting. I really like the small 6 person group.
  16. That sounds like a good idea. Atx- sounds the same as by me. Most reds we sight fish to are under 35 inches but plenty are to be caught up to 50" easily in the channels and inlets
  17. I'd be happy with some snook anyday! Going to the keys is another thing I want to do. Just wondering but what size reds do y'all get down by you?
  18. I know the Texas coast down there is well known for the massive amounts of pintails and redheads (top on my list) so I plan to get down there during my lifetime to duck hunt and fish. The sooner the better.
  19. I've been throwing orvis rods for the last 5 or 6 years. Some were not so good rods and some were the best rods I think I've ever cast. Right now my go to rod is a Helios paired with the mirage reel. Love the setup and it was worth every penny. The Helios is super light and casts great. I have the Helios in a 9wt and I've thrown it all day on many occasions and it doesn't kill your arm or wrist to do so. I've done the same thing with a friends 8wt Sage and felt more "fatigue" from that than from my Helios. While I believe the Helios to be one of the top rods on the market, I could do without a lot of the orvis stuff. I was in a shop back in January and they had belts that were $250, jackets that were $900, and pants that were almost $150. Everything they make may not be for every person, but it's hard to argue about some of their rods and reels
  20. It's on my bucket list to fish the LA marshes...thanks for the offer. If I ever make my way down there I might have to take you up on that. Same for you if you ever wander up to Charleston. Actually another thing on my bucket list is to go duck hunting on the Texas coast for pintail and redheads...do you know of bay flats lodge? I don't think it's far from you if I remember correctly.
  21. iFly

    Fish Pictures

    Thanks. That one was a right over 30". This one is from tonight. Another 30" fish. Well fed.
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