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Fly Tying


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About 00camaro16

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  1. I would be interested as-well, but I wouldn't be able to send them out for two weeks. but I tied them to do a swap and like the idea (since it was mine lol). but I would suggest starting a new topic on it or just swapping the few that are interested, maybe if we only have three swap 2 for 2, 3 for 3, etc. Chris
  2. Flys sent, I'm sry i completely forgot to put a tag on them untill i got home from sending them off. truely sry i really hope it doesnt cause too much confusion.
  3. Just finished the last fly tonight, ready to ship out just need an adress. Chris
  4. Thank you all for the help, I re-looked into my dubbing technique and your were all right I was using too much dubbing. so I tied another and while it was a bit easier (and my fly looked much better), I still had a hard time having it stick. ill try again and see if it just me later this week. thank you for the help. Chris
  5. I'm in - with an elk hair caddis. Chris
  6. Well theres two, thought there would be more interest in this... hummm. Chris
  7. Actually I have been using Berts Bees Lip Balm to see if it worked but it wasn't working that well so I thought I was doing it wrong and watched a video of how to do it, I wasn't. I have string resin somewhere and thought that would work... but I cant find it(moved 7 times in the three years I haven't seen it so I'm guess its lost). I think I will try a glue stink, thank you. Chris
  8. Is there an alternative for dubbing wax. I bought a kit to make an elk hair caddis for my first fly and it didn't come with wax. I didn't know you needed this until later on and my flies suffered. I also cant find it in any stores around my home of south lyon. Chris
  9. I was wondering if there would be any interest in doing a favorite Trout fly swap. I have never participated in one and would like to but the ones that my skills can match are all full. Since I have never done one I also can’t be the one to start it so I figured if there was more interest in it someone else could start it. Also since “favorite trout fly” is a pretty broad topic we could get a good group of variety. Could say something like you can’t pick a pattern already taken and so forth. Let me know if anyone would be interested in heading this. Thank you. Chris
  10. Something I have quickly became to notice, I also seem to have a hard time remembering what I went to the fly shop to get and get distracted and buy other things. Chris
  11. Sorry didn't know which spot to put it in, since it really isn't a swap per say. Have no problem if an addmin would like to move it. Chris
  12. Decided to post some pictures of the flies I have tied. any comments would help trying to become good enough to tie some of the classic bass flies I have seen some of you can do. Know that wont be for awhile but trying many different pattern to extend my capabilities. I can't afford to buy that many materials seeing I just graduated and have yet to find a job so I have to work with what I have. Beetle: Bee of my own design: A Fly I saw online: Not sure What this is Called: Two different type of parachutes: Gnat: Elk Hair Caddis: Wet Fly: Caddis: Two Different Dry Flys: Adams: Ant: Thanks for looking, Chris
  13. I was wondering if there would be any interest in doing a favorite Trout fly swap. I have never participated in one and would like to but the ones that my skills can match are all full. Since I have never done one I also can’t be the one to start it so I figured if there was more interest in it someone else could start it. Also since “favorite trout fly” is a pretty broad topic we could get a good group of variety. Could say something like you can’t pick a pattern already taken and so forth. Let me know if anyone would be interested in heading this. Thank you. Chris
  14. Thank you all for the suggestions, i have tried trying some of the one you suggested. I also think I'm going to start trying to tie some nymphs. I expanded my materials list to include... Brown Polyprorylene Floating Yarn Pheasant tails (brownish) Pearlescent Iris Orange Micro Cactus Black Rubber Legs Yellow Foam Then Some Brass Wire (from a phone cord) I am also going to try and upload some pictures for flies I have tied for comments.
  15. Thank you for the quick response. I found an extended mayfly pattern that I'm gonna try tonight, heres the link. http://www.flyfishingconnection.com/mayflyext.html any suggestions on the next materials to buy? Chris
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