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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by bassbuster

  1. I can't speak for everyone, but for me, life got in the way. Been too busy to even try to tie anything lately. I would like to get into a new swap myself.
  2. I will have mine in the mail Monday. Can I get the addy please.
  3. Well I was farting around my vise and got a few trial runs done and was planning on taking a pic of the progress but wouldn't ya know it my phone decides to take a crap on me. Oh well. I guess I will have to just leave my pattern a surprise lol. I went with a size 2, 6x long hook and have a black and green color scheme. Nothing that I have copied or have imitated just a little experimenting of my own that I happen to think looks good together. Just hope that they will hold up to everyone else's ties. Can't wait to hold the whole lot of these guys, and probably won't ever fish them. They will most likely adorn my fly tying table for a long time as a beautiful reminder of where this art form progressed from.
  4. I mailed my flys yesterday should be there soon.
  5. Got my set in the mail yesterday.
  6. I just hope you all are good. I didnt know how to divy the extras up fairly because of the size and material difference in the flys. I am working on a few for each of you to replace the extras then everyone wins and has a good assortment.
  7. As much as I would like to say the few Im going to tie are in your boxes I cannot. I can say that I will try to get the extras mailed soon tho. As long as life doesnt get any more hectic that is. I wont post when I mail them lol. It will be a mailed surprise haha
  8. I will be gettong your flys in the mail today. I wrote down everyones name and adress because I want to tie up a round or two of a different fly amd I will mail them to you. That way we still get our 8 different flys like we started with. I apoligize for the couple of guys that dropped and would have loved to have them in the pool still but life goes on. Thank you everyone for the huge assortment of parterns and for your participation.
  9. I had to do some searching through my materials and came to the conclusion that I "Need" to order some things to complete my flys lol. So looks like I will be patiently waiting for my new supply to come in before I can get serious in my trial runs. Is there a certian hook size that you would suggest because I am up in the air. Either 7x long size 2 or 6x long size 4. What would be the better hook size?
  10. Other than the two guys that I have not been able to contact the rest of them are in. I will wait till the due date and if I dont get any word from them we will figure out what we can do from there. Options are random extras or return two of your own unless someone else has an idea.
  11. I just tried to message both Gramps50, and Petelangevin about their fly submissions. I cannot send them a message for some reason or another and I have no way to contact them other than this posting. So... Gramps50, and Petelangevin, I would like to hear from you two about your flys and itlf they will be getting mailed soon or at all. I will post my address on this post so u can get it easily. I would hope that you two still want to participate but based on the lack of contact dont know if you still do. I would like to hear anything at this point and do not want to exclude you from the swap but I will if there is no further word from you. Sorry if it soumds harsh but I have little options to explore. Please post or message me for a status update if you are still wanting to be included in the return. Thank you and once again sorry for being so blunt.
  12. Just updated the first message for what came in today. Recieved flys from Raymond21, Jason V, Add147, and Hugo. Two more are in the mail and I havent heard from the other two. I will be messaging them to see what I can find out.
  13. I would like to take a stab at those too. I would be in I think.
  14. Just updated the first post. Only recieced from JasonV. Hope to be seeing the rest of them really soon.
  15. I think I will tie a neon mutant hopper. Kind of my own creation
  16. Im in with a Panfish Charlie. Not sure what color yet either pink or chartreuse
  17. I will go in on this. Pattern TBD
  18. As the weather gets warmer and streams are opening up, I have been slamming the vise to be ready. In the past few weeks my jaws have seen many nymphs and eggs. Was just wanting the input from fellow fishermen about some other patterns for spring steelhead that I may have overlooked or Im missing.
  19. Sorry Hugo. Didnt realize you asked for my address lol. Must have overlooked your post. Ill pm it to you right now.
  20. Love the flys guys. Cant wait to get them wet.
  21. Well as you may have known the best laid intentions are never followed through. I have been busy moving last minute and have only been able to tie up 12 not the 24 i would have liked for the practice. My flys are done and ready to go pm me an address so I can get them headed your way.
  22. I am goimg to do something a little different than what normally goes on in a swap. I do not have the most experience with spinning deer hair. Im not horrible but could always use more practice. So I will be including a bunch of extras. I will male sure there is enough for each other swapper to recieve two of my flys. And I will include a few extras for my SM for the extra sort lol. Hope you like these as much as I have and maybe with two they can catch that many more.
  23. This is what I put together. Its a bucktail and Icelandic Sheep streamer in red and orange with a 2/0 removeable stinger and 7/0 Octopus main. Its hard to see but there is a UV fiber stripe down the sides. Hope you guys like it.
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