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Fly Tying


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About largemouthTLOCD

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/30/1993

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  • Favorite Species
    Largemouth Bass
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  • Location
    Mims, FL
  1. Ended up catching 5 snook on the irl this weekend.
  2. Thanks for all of yalls help. Went with wulff bermuda triangle taper intermediate and took it to the beach this mornin. the line casts great and caught a few fish. caught a few blue fish all this size Wasnt sure what this fish was. Looks like a jack of some sort but i have only ever caught jack crevalle
  3. Thanks all for your replies. Peterjay, I have heard a lot of good things about the royal wulff triangle taper lines. Is there any difference between the regular intermediate triangle taper and the monoclear.
  4. Looks like ill be going with intermediate. Are there any recommendations on which to go with. Will be used for surf mostly but also bull reds in the indian river.
  5. Let me start by saying I have no experience with any type of surf fishing. Most of my fishing is sight fishing the indian river and mosquito lagoon or bass fishing. I live pretty close to the beach (titusville area) and would like to start fly fishing it especially for bluefish. My main question is what is the best line to use for the surf. I will be using a 9wt and didnt know if anybody had any suggestions on the best line to use (full sinking, intermediate, etc). I was also wondering if anybody had some tips on how to fish the surf like what tides are best and if you should fish the trough paralleling the shore or just casting as far out as possible. Thanks in advance for your advice.
  6. Nothing big this last week but still had some fun with little snook and tarpon
  7. near sr 46. The biggest one was on a spinning rod but the other two were on a small bluegill popper and a #2 clouser minnow. I couldnt quite fit it all in one weekend. These are just a few from the last month or so.
  8. Couple bass and tilapia from the St Johns First decent snook on fly and little barracuda from the keys And a red, jack crevalle, and trout from the Indian river
  9. Mikechell no I didn't get the snook mounted thought about it but didn't think it would fit on my wall I usually fish around hatbill between 46 and 50. Agn54 im fishin the indian river lagoon north of haulover. The algae bloom is pretty bad right now but still gettin a few fish
  10. The water level is high on the st johns river so the bass fishing isn't the best right now. I decided to break out the rope fly and try to catch some longnose gar. caught a few but only got pictures of these two.
  11. Haven't posted in awhile so I thought Id post a couple pics of the reds from the last month or so And here is my first snook. I wasnt sure i was gonna land him on my 8wt but some how I did it .
  12. Thanks everybody for the input. I have some saltwater experience with my $30 walmart 6wt (redfish, trout, small tarpon), but would like to upgrade to something that can handle the conditions on the flats a little better. I had a chance to feel the TICR x and really liked it but I'm not sure about the reel. Two reels I am looking at are the Allen Alpha III and Lamson Konic. I am leaning towards the allen alpha III. Has anybody had experience with it or other allen reels? Everything I have read about them seems good.
  13. Hey everybody. I am looking for some advice on a new saltwater setup and thought this would be a great place to get some opinions. Being in school I'm on a budget. For the rod I am currently looking at an 8wt TFO TICR X. Has any body ever used one or any suggestions on possible alternatives that are reasonably priced. As for the reel I am not sure what to get. I want something large arbor and that will last in saltwater (preferably under 200$ or close). With summer about to start I am looking forward to spending some time on the flats and would love your input.
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