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Fly Tying

Jake W.

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About Jake W.

  • Rank
    Bait Fisherman

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  1. Hello, I have been reading up about northern pike fishing in preparation for a trip up to some amazing lakes up in the Canadian wilderness. I am planning on going in late June, so I am thinking the pike will still be in the shallow water. I have read some great things about fishing a 4-6 inch streamer, but the specifications of these streamers wasn't mentioned in my book. I anyone has any good patterns that have worked well for them, or if anyone has any information on fishing for these pike, I would really appreciate it. Thank you for your time, Jake Wojnicki
  2. Hello, I live right near lake Erie and was hoping to catch so steelhead for the fall run. I was wondering if anyone could post a step by step pattern of how to make an egg because I just can't seem to get it right. Thank you so much for your time, Jake Wojnicki
  3. Hello, I have been seeing tons of craneflies everywhere I go lately, so I thought that it would be a great fly to use this time of year. I tried to tie one, but it ended up looking absolutely horrible. I was hoping that someone may have a good way to tie these. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time, Jake Wojnicki
  4. Hello, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on fishing in Buffalo for the fall steelhead. This is my first year fishing and I would like to try it out, but am not sure when to go, what flies work the best, and where the best spots to fish are. Any advice on any of these topics would be incredible. Thank you for your time, Jake Wojnicki
  5. I have returned today from Yellowstone and I thought I would say what worked for me in case anyone else takes a trip to Yellowstone. My main luck was on Slough Creek. There were some big trout in there and I lost multiple as I have been fly fishing for about a month and I had no net. I did finally succeed in catching some on a fly from this site called the Easily Tied Ant or something like that. My brothers also had success with other types of ants, and one of them caught a nice 17.5 inch cutthroat. I really appreciated all the help from the people on this site, you guys helped steer us in the right direction for sure. It was a great experience. I also think that if anyone is going to Yellowstone, definitely try Slough Creek. I met a guy who had caught around thirty a few days ago. I think that anyone who has some experience would do great, and beginners will have fun as I did, but not thirty fish if you are like me. All in all, it was awesome. Thank you for your time, Jake Wojnicki
  6. Hello, My family and I are going on a trip to Yellowstone and the surrounding area, and we are bringing our poles with us. I was wondering if anyone had advice for me on where to fish, as well as what types of flies to use. Any information on this would be super great! Thank you for your time, Jake Wojnicki
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