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Fly Tying


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About KSFisher

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    Bait Fisherman

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  1. I did get up to the Provo. I fished for a for a couple hours from mid morning until early afternoon and caught eleven fish mainly on pheasant tail nymphs that I had tied. I'm glad that I started when I did because by the time I left there were quite a few people fishing, it was a beautiful day! I will have to try those lakes sometime!
  2. Thanks for all of the suggestions these websites look great.
  3. Western Rivers is the fly shop that I usually go to and buy my tying stuff from, they have been very helpful. I will have to stop by Fish Tech and check it out. I am planning on fishing the Provo for a few hours tomorrow, thanks for the pattern suggestions.
  4. I have posted a few times on the forum already but haven't introduced my self yet. I am currently attending college in Salt Lake City, UT but I am originally from Kansas. I am new to fly tying, I have been tying for three to four weeks. I try to fish most weekends and I am really enjoying catching fish with flies that I have tied.
  5. Just thought I would see where everybody buys their tying material. Do you support your local fly shop or do you buy material mostly online? If you purchase online what website do you use?
  6. Does Hatches Magazine only publish each fall or do they publish a magazine multiple times throughout the year?
  7. Thanks for the tips! I am going to try again this weekend.
  8. I am new to fly tying, I have been tying for about three weeks now, and have been tying a few streamers. I tried fishing streamers for the first time last weekend and couldn't quite figure it out. I figured out that I needed to add more weight to my woolly buggers, picked up some cone heads and heavier wire today, but also needed some feed back on how to fish them. When fishing streamers do you work your way up or down stream? It seems to me that if you cast across the stream and let it drift down while retrieving it back up current you would need to fish down stream to not spook the fish.
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