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Fly Tying


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About RJD31

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  1. Here is your chance to own a Law Vise for only 4 thousand dollars. Also, free shipping. Amazing what people are trying to get out of these vises. http://classicflyrodforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=97&t=111839
  2. Hello, I became a member in 2005, and my last post was approximately 3 -1/2 years ago. I have been away from fly tying during this time due to other obligations (e.g., family, graduate school), and finally at a point to return. My fishing and fly tying endeavors have mainly focused on panfish and trout. I am looking forward to being part of the community again as a active member. Ron
  3. I have utilized various tying lights (e.g., OttLite, McKenzie) in the past, but have never tried a LED version. Does anyone have experience with LED offerings from Peak, ProLite, or another company? ProLite has a dual lamp version that seems interesting. http://ritebobbin.com/shop/prolite-dual-headlight-lamp http://ritebobbin.com/shop/prolite-tying-lamp Ron
  4. Has anyone ordered from Catskill Flies Fly Shop? I was thinking about purchasing some Collins Hackle from them. Thanks. http://www.catskillflies.com/ Ron
  5. I would be interested in a bag of your clear/pearl dubbing. PM sent.
  6. Has anyone bought from Fly Tying Specialties online? If so, what was your experience like? Thanks. http://www.flytyingspecialties.com/shop/ Ron
  7. I purchased a special edition master vise, so my Traveler will now be utilized only for traveling purposes. Thanks for everyone's input. Ron
  8. I am thinking about purchasing a Renzetti Presentation 4000 or Master Vise. I would like input from owners of these vises. Do you think the master is worth the extra money over the 4000? Thanks. Ron
  9. Here is a link to one that sold yesterday for $1,857.00 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Original-Lawrence-Waldron-Fly-Tying-Vise-Not-a-Snowbee-Copy-/261329217695?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cd86f689f&nma=true&si=R2P0en5v3t75f6py8jLvswWyZSA%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Ron
  10. I was thinking about purchasing some of Collins grade 3 barred colored capes for dries. What barred colors would you suggest? Thanks.
  11. The majority of my tying is nymphs, but wanted to start getting into dries. I plan on ordering some grade 3 capes from Collins, but wanted some suggestions on colors. I was thinking grizzly, brown, medium dun, and light ginger would be a good start. What do you think of this color selection? In addition, Collins sells barred colors. Would you recommend going with the standard color or possibly a barred dun and ginger instead? Thanks. Ron
  12. I received my cape today. Just wondering like Rolf, what precautions should be taken? Thanks. Ron
  13. There are 2 sellers (andyg640, moryachok) on ebay from Estonia with 100% ratings offering Jungle Cock capes. Which seller are people talking about?
  14. For those who have purchased dry fly capes from Collins, what are the fly size ranges and "sweet spot" in ranges in the 3 grades he offers?
  15. Is the bronze dry fly cape from Whiting worth the extra money in comparison to their prograde? I wanted to get into tying some dries no smaller than size 20. Any other suggestions to consider other than offerings from Whiting would be appreciated. Thanks.
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