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Fly Tying

border collies

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Everything posted by border collies

  1. Time really got away from me bad in July. My apologies. Flies are in the mail now. Sorry everybody.
  2. I'm going to try and post all the pictures of flies from the 2014 swap club here. I did my best to label them correctly, but there were a few that the toe tags had fallen off of. I'll add December when they get in. We'll start out with January.
  3. I got a wonderful set of flies from Jfinn, some cool extra flies, great dubbing and chenille, and a really cool round fly box. Thank you very much, and happy holidays.
  4. If you'll have me, I'd like to participate again.
  5. I am a little behind with busy time at work. Flies will go in the mail on Thursday.
  6. I'm tying a biot emerger. Should be in the mail in the next day or two.
  7. Just checking in to make sure mine made it. The front page looks a little garbled and it's hard to tell. Thanks!
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