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Fly Tying


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About flyfishingwright

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/28/1979

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    Bass or trout
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    Northern California
  1. Oh sweet victory Ok, looking forward to next weeks challenge.
  2. Yeah, I figured. I like the idea of sharing flies this way. Great idea.
  3. Ok here it is. Tucker hair Klinkhammer Parachute. Materials List Size 14 curved hook Tan thread Tucker hair Poly post Gray and Brown Hackle Step 1, pet the dog Step 2, tie fly
  4. What closed already? I just tied my fly. How about 9pm Pacific for us West Coast boys? I'll post it anyways.
  5. I've done it. It looks ok. I fish mostly parachute patterns now and use mostly poly yarn or antron for the wing post. I would say if you are tying tradition dry flies use a very sparse antron wing, should look good!
  6. Here's what I do. I make a couple of wraps over the calf tail. Remember to apply tension as you pull up on the thread not down. Then lift the calf tail and make a wrap behind the wing. Slide the wrap foward, snug against the other wraps. Then another wrap over the calf tail and it should be locked in. This locking wrap works well on many slippery materials. You can do more than one locking wrap if you need to. It is very difficult to for the calf hair to slide out with this wrap behind it.
  7. lol, make sure those free tying materials are lice free... little kids, ya never know. Could ruin the whole stash. Ha! You never know.
  8. Wow, looks like a really cool set up. I'll be trying this for sure.
  9. No, it lands and floats with the hook up. Cool!
  10. I work at a K-8 school and I asked one of the girls with feathers in her hair what she does when they fall out. She said, "Just through them away." So I said, "Can you save them for me?" Of course. So free tying material. Plus like someone said above, when the style ends they will be selling it all really cheap. Of course, they are dyed all kinds of crazy colors.
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