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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by mikostanev

  1. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by mihostanev: Little orange scud
  2. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by mihostanev: CDC Mayfly hook - Fasso dry BL #16 tail - 3 microfibets body - phaesaht tail fibre wing - CDC rib - 17/0 trico thread hackel - two turns brown genetic feather
  3. I have a Snowbee Waldron Vice - very reliable tool !
  4. The smallest bwo nymph in my box - i tie on hook 16 - 18 - 20
  5. Hi guys, Some big yelow stoneflies
  6. Hi flyboyutah, You tie a very nice fly :headbang: ------------- This is my attemp for hatching caddis pupa All the best, Michael
  7. Yes, legs are from warp hen feather and clip excess fibres.Wingcase, as the body and head are from silicone thin rib plus little varnish after colour the eyes. Regards, Michael
  8. Hi uncletube, This is some smallest BWO nymph.I tie on hook №16 with silicone thin rib.I fished with them through lead shots on my leader. All the best, Michael.
  9. Hello Kevin, This evening I tie and make a photos for you - as I promise. See in my pattern database All the best, Michael
  10. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by mihostanev: Mayfly Nymph ------------- Thit is similar nymph with rib of pearl krystal flast fine band
  11. OK, I will take a step by step photo for recipe of this nymphs and share here.
  12. Hi Kevin, I don't understand you completly- this is not my fly . Some of my mayfly nymph are: For what nymph you just talk about. Good luck, Michael.
  13. Hi Graham, that is my last attempt for something realistic .... All the best, Michael
  14. Hi Bryce, This is my favorite caddis pupas for trout and chub attempt for more realistic and this is in Graham's design With kind regards, Michael
  15. Hi 'knoxy' , The small river flies are my favorite too.They work very well in good (worm) winter days and in spring on the bulgarian chalkstream Zlatna Panega.In late afternoon whenever night fall in hot summer days the small river flies work very well too. This is some of my favorite imitation of Baetis(BWO), some Hendricksons(Ephemerella subvaria) and little winter midges You may see most of my dry flies here And what about nymph ... little pheasant tail and similar I hope to be useful for you. All the best, Michael
  16. Yes 'pcg', I color and varnish most of case and head of my nymph.I thing thus is most reality for hitin cover in the water.A little more shiny in pictures is from flash of my digital camera. But about efficiency ... this decide the fish Best regards, Michael
  17. Hi 'pcg' , there was a problem with host server - all is working now . all the best, Michael
  18. I upload this pattern for you Alex C P.S. I sent to moderator Shoe a Personal Message for mistake with the same name of two last topic in " Coldwater Species - New Pattern Database Submission " about my last flyes in fly pattern database.
  19. mikostanev


    I submit " scud" recipe in fly pattern database, Thanks Max, Michael.
  20. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by mihostanev: Scud (Amphipoda)
  21. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by mihostanev: Little beetle
  22. mikostanev


    Hi jbarnick, Yes, I used two ostrich feather -This is the recipe : http://flytyingforum.com/index.php?act=fly...amp;showid=3980 All the best, Michael
  23. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by mihostanev: Caddis Larva
  24. mikostanev


    Hello Alex, This is step by step of Caddis Larva -I just tie this evening ------------- Tomorrow (I hope if Ihave time) will tie the beetle that you are interested. All the best, Michael
  25. mikostanev


    Hi Alex C, First for this parachute: At first step I tie three black hair from jackal tail.The body is a coils of light tan thread colour with orange marker and ribing with black thread.After that I deposit fine layer varnish.When varnish well dry I mount wing from fine sheaf white antron.Then fix the hackle feather,dub thorax with olivebrown hare's ear dubbin and tie hackle around wing. ----------------- After two days I will tie caddis larva and take photos for step by step. regards, Michael
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