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Fly Tying


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About Sampler

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  • Location
    Portland, Maine
  1. Just curious if anyone has made their own cutters? Care to share your method and experience? Continuing my pursuit of tying and rod building on a budget and thinking of making an attempt to make my own cutters. Cheers
  2. I'm liking the looks of these too... Keep them coming!!
  3. A yellow humpy size 14-16 has always been a staple in my fly box.
  4. Thanks for the responses so far. Always inspired by a nice looking fly I am looking to fill my boxes early this year. Piker20- I would like to see your crane posted feel free to post away. Creativity it's a great thing. Joe's hopper and Dave's hopper have always been a favorite of mine.
  5. Anyone interested in posting pictures of your favorite Hopper patterns? Foam, Deer hair, or other. I'm looking for some inspiration for the winter tying season. Cheers
  6. Try having your background much farther back (therefore out of focus). Use your flash. Zoom in a little but not too much. Make sure your camera is focusing on the fly. I can't speak for Photoshop, but most decent photo programs should be able to let you adjust the lighting and sharpness. They can't,however, focus an out of focus pic. FYI Picasa will let you do all those things and the best part is, it's free! Another tip is to set your camera focus on the fly without a back drop in place first then set your background where you wish before snapping the photo. This a bit more challenging with some point and shoot camera but with practice will make the process easier and clearer photos. Also, a $3 DIY photo box out of tracing paper, a shoe box and desk lamp works well too. D
  7. Looks like I found a pattern for my fly box Thanks for sharing!
  8. Thank you for such a great site. Although I don't post much I am a frequent visitor and I'm grateful for such a great group of people. Care on.... many more smooth threads to come!!! D
  9. Skip- What are the size of the drill bit you use to drill out the centers of the stacker? I have some elk horn I would like the try to turn into a nice stacker. D
  10. Nice looking hair stacker Skip :thumbup: Glad to see the Cherry is serving you well. Dana
  11. That will make you fall in love all over again! Beautiful job :thumbup:
  12. That is worthy of adding to the box this season. Thanks for sharing
  13. I hear you! I'm a DIY'er all the way. Some call it cheap, I call it creativity!
  14. PS.... you should copy right the design. You it's a matter of time before one of the bigger company mass produces it under their own name and idea.
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