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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by ebfreeman_78

  1. Thank you gentlemen for the opinions. I agree with you guys that Steve's work is truly a thing of beauty. I really wish I had been checking back before Christmas because that was a really great buy that was on the website, and a really good looking rod. Although it really probably wouldn't have mattered since it was just before Christmas. Thanks again Ben
  2. Good afternoon, I am looking to buy a new fly rod and I'm sorry for bringing this question to you all as I'm sure you are tired of getting it over and over again. Alas, I have read through Yellowstoneangler.com and their 2015 and 2016 5wt shootout. And am really considering the Fenwick Aetos 9' 5 wt., but have heard that Fenwick's warranty policy leaves some to be desired. They list the Aetos as a limited lifetime warranty, but I can't find any more details about it. Does anyone know about this warranty? I was recommended to go with a TFO BVK, but the price difference is substantial. 190 for the fenwick and 300 for the bvk. I primarily will be fishing on lake taneycomo in branson using and indicator and midges. Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  3. Rolsen those are beautiful work. Truely amazing to a beginner like me.
  4. Those look like excellent flies for crappie. If I may ask what size of rod are you planning on using those inline spinners on or will you use a spinning ultralight rod and reel?
  5. that is some very nice carpentry work. good job.
  6. I have enjoyed reading a couple of books by William Tapply . ruminations and Everyday Was Special . written like short stories . good books on life and fishing
  7. Be easy I'm just a beginner. Trying to build some bass/pike flies.
  8. Those are some beautiful flies. I'm curious on how everyone feels about the eyes are they for the fish or the fisherman?
  9. Thanks tidewater much appreciated. I will typically use it for a little bass pond fishing, but was concerned about a trip planned to Canada to throw at pike. Super excited to go can't do enough research on what to tie what to take etc.
  10. Along the same topic I just received a sage bass 2 smallmouth edition with a lamson guru 3.5. The smallmouth is a 290 grain rod which translates into a 10 weight rod, but the lamson reel that is on it recommended line is 8-9. Lamson makes a guru 4 for 10-11 line. Should I, before using it, take it back and have it switched or it's no big deal and use it and be happy? Just thought I'd ask the experts
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